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Online:Owen Pavelle

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Owen Pavelle
Location Bonestrewn Crest
Race Breton Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Daggerfall Covenant, Lion Guard
Owen Pavelle

Owen Pavelle is a Breton who was part of the Daggerfall Covenant expedition that went at the Bonestrewn Crest. When Sir Valcent Tailies turned on them, he locked himself in a cage to escape him.

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After entering into the southeast chamber, you will see Owen in a cage. He will be glad to see you:

Owen Pavelle: "Thank the gods! Please, you have to let me out of here."

He will beg to be released as he initially locked himself after the draugr attacked but then Valcent killed the rest of his comrades. Depending on how you get information from him, he was part of the Covenant contingent that disturbed the draugr as Valcent is a necromancer, and pulling the switch to the right will whoever is inside the cage:

"Please, get me out of here!"
What are you doing in there?
"I'm Owen Pavelle. I'm part of an expedition that was sent to explore this barrow. My team was cataloging the ruins when the draugr attacked."
And then what happened?
"It was terrible. I locked myself in here for my own protection. Valcent killed the rest of our expedition! He killed every last one of them!"
[Persuade] I'll help you if tell me the truth.
"Valcent's some sort of necromancer. He turned poor Ophelia into a monster.
He plans to raise an army of the dead for his own foul purposes."
You're lying.
"What? No! How can you say that?"
[Intimidate] You're with the Covenant. Tell me what you're doing here. Now.
"All right, I'll confess. This is all wrong. I joined the Lion Guard for a little adventure, but this isn't what I had in mind.
Valcent's mad! He intends to raise an undead army. He has no orders. He's totally gone rogue."
Calm down. How can I help?/So how can I help?/How can I help?
"Pull the switch to my left. It will unlock the cage and open the door to the ceremonial chamber. That's where Valcent is doing gods-know-what.
But please, don't pull the switch to my right."
What does the right switch do?
"Nothing good. Please, don't touch the right switch."
[Intimidate] Tell me what happens if I pull the right switch.
"Fine! Have it your way! It activates some sort of mechanism. This cage is some kind of sacrificial device.
I beg you, whatever you do, leave the right switch alone!"

If you free him by pulling the left switch, he will thank you and leaves the tomb:

Owen Pavelle: "Thank you for setting me free. I'll never forget this."

If you decide to pull the right switch, Owen will die in flames, screaming.

Owen Pavelle: "No! Hot, hot, hot! I'm burning up in here!"


  • Although you enter from the north of the room Pavelle appears to be facing south, as such if you walk straight to the cage his directions may seem to be reversed.