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Online:Pan-Tamriel Celebration

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Pan-Tamriel Celebration

The Pan-Tamriel Celebration is an event first held in 2025, which encourages players to adventure across the entirety of Tamriel. While anyone can participate in the event, in order to fully experience all facets of the event, you should have access to Necrom, High Isle, Blackwood, Greymoor, Elsweyr, Summerset, and Morrowind chapters and their DLCs.

During this event, the following benefits will be active across Tamriel:

  • Higher chance to receive valuable loot (including antiquity leads, furnishings, and more) from treasure map chests
  • Curated drops for trophy fish
  • 100% experience boost

Reward BoxesEdit

This box contains a variety of crafting-related materials, intended for celebrants of the Pan-Tamriel Celebration.

There are two types of coffers that can be received during this event, with variations depending on which zone you received them in. For the first boss you loot, you will receive a Glorious Pan-Tamriel Reward Box. For subsequent looting, Pan-Tamriel Reward Boxes will be received.

Reward boxes can be earned in the following ways:

  • Defeating and looting—
    • Any delve boss
    • Any public dungeon boss
    • Any final dungeon boss
    • Any final trial boss
    • Any world boss
    • Any final arena boss
    • Tho'at Replicanum in the Infinite Archive
  • Completing any incursion event
Lion Guard Captain Style

The items you can receive include:

Pan-Tamriel Celebration 2025Edit

Pan-Tamriel Celebration 2025

The inaugural run of the event is from January 23 to February 4.

Obtain new and returning rewards taken from ESO’s long history during a special in-game event!

Returning Anniversary Jubilee RewardsEdit

During the event, the replica style pages from the 2024 Anniversary Jubilee will again be available. In addition, having specific achievements will now increase the odds of the style pages dropping.

Event TicketsEdit

A total of 39 Event Tickets can be earned over the course of the event. Three Event Tickets can be earned daily by completing one of the following:

  • Defeating and looting—
    • Any delve boss
    • Any public dungeon boss
    • Any final dungeon boss
    • Any final trial boss
    • Any world boss
    • Any final arena boss
    • Tho'at Replicanum in the Infinite Archive
  • Completing any incursion event

The ImpresarioEdit

In addition to the usual Group Repair Kits and Companion Guild Commendations, The Impresario will have the following items available for Event Tickets during the celebration:

  • All three fragments for the 2025 morphing pet, the Stonewisp of Truth and Law, will be available for the first time for 00000055  each
    • Axiomatic Runestones, Glyph of Law, Powdered Wisp Remains fragments
  • The first fragment for the Q1 morph, the Logical Rune Extraction customized action, will be available for the first time for 000001010 
    • Exalted Icon of Logic fragment
  • Bound style pages for the new Lion Guard Captain outfit style will be available for 00000055  each

Philius DormierEdit

The Impresario's Assistant, Philius Dormier, will have the following items from previous years' events available for Event Tickets during the celebration:

Additionally, he will sell regional item from previous events based on the location in which you encounter him:

  • In Necrom, Apocrypha Expedition outfit style pages
  • In Gonfalon Bay, Oaken Order outfit style pages
  • In Leyawiin, Y'ffre's Fallen-Wood outfit style pages and Voriplasm pet components
  • In Solitude, Saarthal Scholar and Sovngarde Stalwart outfit style pages
  • In Rimmen, Claw-Dance Acolyte and Ja'zennji Siir outfit style pages
  • In Alinor, Evergloam Champion outfit style pages, Snowhawk Mage outfit style pages, Wooden Grave-Stake memento fragments, and Gloam Gryphon Fledgling pet
  • In Vivec City, Doctrine Ordinator outfit style pages, Slag Town Diver skin, Thetys Ramarys's Bait Kit memento, and Microtized Verminous Fabricant pet


The Indrik Vendor, Nenulaure, will have the following items available for Event Tickets during the celebration:

External LinksEdit
