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Online:Phedre Lampronius

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Phedre Lampronius
Location Borderwatch
Race Imperial Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
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Faction(s) Painted Eye
Phedre Lampronius

Phedre Lampronius is an Imperial leader of the Painted Eye who have taken over Borderwatch. She was trying to take control of Borderwatch to obtain the Ayleid relic.

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She will instruct her bodyguards to defend her while she's trying to seize the relic.

Phedre Lampronius: "Continue the ritual! I've nearly gained control!"
Seeks-the-Dark: "The relic's got to be behind that barrier! We've got to stop whatever it is they're doing. Quickly!"

Destroying the first attunement crystal:

Phedre Lampronius: "No! I almost have it! Stop them!"

Destroying the second attunement crystal:

Phedre Lampronius: "I won't let this power escape me! I won't!"

Destroying the final attunement crystal:

Phedre Lampronius: "Nearly … there!"

When the climatic showdown is about to begin:

Seeks-the-Dark: "Oh, come on! We smashed all the things!"
Phedre Lampronius: "Fools! Nothing can disrupt this ritual while I possess the power of—"
Erilthel: "Whoa, whoa, wh—ah!"
Phedre Lampronius: "… this relic …. Argh!"
Erilthel: "Whew! Whatever that was really cushioned my fall. What'd I miss?"
Seeks-the-Dark: "You know what? I'll take it. Now, let's get out of here! This whole place is coming down!"