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Online:Plague Giant

< Elder Scrolls Online: Creatures
Plague Giant
Location Encounter in Chroma IncognitoNecrom
Species Giant
Health 119,538 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile
Plague Giant

Plague Giant is an unique Giant appearing at the end of an encounter in Chroma Incognito, Apocrypha. The differences with regular giants are its skin, its unique name and how to spawn him.


To summon the Plague Giant, you must first find two weak Peryite's Glories feeding upon a seemingly dead giant in Chroma Incognito. Defeat both Peryite's Glories and three more will spawn, then one regular Peryite's Glory and finally the Plague Giant rises, screams at you and enters combat.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

As it is considered an elite enemy, Plague Giant is immune to all forms of crowd control effects.

A basic melee attack that deals moderate physical damage.
A basic melee attack that deals moderate physical damage.
The Plague Giant rakes the ground with his hammer, sending three shockwaves in different directions in front of him, dealing moderate physical damage each to targets hit. These don't have AoE indicators.
The Plague Giant winds up his hammer into the air before slamming it into the ground in front of him, indicated by a red circle, dealing high physical damage and stunning his target. Blocking prevents the stun.