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Power Orb
Location Skyreach Hold
Type Magic Orb
Health 27,459
Reaction Hostile
Power Orb
Exarch Arnoth summoning a Power Orb

Power Orbs are glowing orbs of nirncrux energy summoned by Exarch Arnoth in combat. They must be destroyed before they reach him to prevent him from healing and building up his nirncrux empowerement. If five reach him, he will transition to his feral state.

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Nirnpith Absorption
When Exarch Arnoth's reaches 90% health, power orbs will start to appear from the water around the arena and slowly travel to Exarch Arnoth. If they reach him, they heal him for ~50,000 health and it increases his nirncrux empowerement build-up. If five orbs reach him, he transitions into his feral state. They stop appearing when he is in feral state.