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Online:Priest Uugus

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Priest Uugus
Home City Orsinium
Location Temple of Ire
Race Orc Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Priests of Trinimac
Priest Uugus

Priest Uugus is an Orc priest of Trinimac, found at the Temple of Ire in Orsinium.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

A King-Sized ProblemEdit

Enter the rectory and you'll find Uugus and several other priests under hostile control:

Priest Uugus: "Please, there's no need for this insanity. Just leave us alone!"

Put down the Priest's captors and he'll be grateful:

Priest Uugus: "Thank you for helping us. I … I thought they were going to kill us."
"I don't know how to thank you. These fanatics, they beat us, threatened us. They told us that they were going to kill us as soon as the king or his soldiers showed up.
But you got in without alerting them. You saved us. The others though …."
Tell me about the others.
"High Priestess Solgra and our brothers and sisters in Trinimac.
The fanatics gathered us up and forced us in here. But Solgra, she isn't one to put up with such nonsense. She put a blade into one of them and ran into the back to help the others."
Where can I find Solgra and the others?
"I have the key. I'll open the door for you.
Find the others, please. I don't know what Solgra planned to do, but she had that look in her eyes when the fanatics started hurting our people."
Priest Uugus: "Solgra and the others should be somewhere through this door."

After he opens the door, he'll tell you:

Priest Uugus: "I'll find a way to open the main temple doors and let the soldiers in. Good luck."

Rescue Solgra then return to the main temple hall and you'll find Uugus there:

"Your timely arrival was a blessing from Trinimac, outsider!
The forge-mother promises that our temple will never again be a target for hatred and persecution. Next time, we'll be prepared!"

Blood on a King's HandsEdit

Enter the temple and you'll hear:

Priest Uugus: "Calm down. my brothers and sisters. We're in no condition to chase after anyone."
Priest Uugus: "If the king's soldiers want to talk to Solgra, it must be for a good reason. We need to stay out of their way."
"This isn't a good time to visit the temple. We have a bit of a situation.
I humbly suggest that you come back later."
Where's High Priestess Solgra?
"If this is about that incident with the fanatics, you should take it up with the king.
In these difficult times, misunderstandings can quickly spiral out of control and lead to situations we'd all rather avoid."
Tell me where I can find the high priestess.

At this point, the storyline takes two different paths. One path happens if Talviah Aliaria was spared at Paragon's Remembrance. The other if Talviah Aliaria was sacrificed.

Talviah Aliaria sparedEdit

"But … but … oh, very well. When the king's soldiers banged on the doors, she ran up the stairs and outside. The soldiers knocked us aside and chased after her.
I don't know what Solgra did, but she's clearly made someone very angry."
The high priestess didn't say anything?
"Not a word. She appeared to be as surprised as we were when the soldiers barged in.
Normally Solgra is so … proper. If the soldiers hadn't had their weapons drawn, I'm sure she would have gone with them quietly."
"I don't know what's going on, but Solgra has a gentle heart.
I'm sure this is all just a misunderstanding."

On the roof of the Temple of Ire, you'll find High Priestess Solgra. Suddenly, behind you you'll hear:

Penitent Vumnish: "There she is! My arrow will find its mark!"
High Priestess Solgra: "Behind you! On the ledges! More soldiers!"

Vumnish lets loose her arrow:

High Priestess Solgra: "Quick! Let's get—argh!"
Priest Uugus: "High priestess, no!"
Penitent Vumnish: "She's down! Make sure none of her allies survive!"
Priest Uugus: "Get the assassin! I'll take Solgra back to the temple! Go!"

After dealing with Vumnish, return to the temple. Inside you'll hear:

Priest Uugus: "They were soldiers! Trying to stop them would have only put us all in danger!"
Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "You could have done something! You're cowards! All of you!"
Chief Bazrag: "Eveli, enough! Solgra's gone. More priests getting killed wouldn't have changed that."
Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "I should have been here … to save her."

Speak to him before speaking to Bazrag and he'll say:

"How could something like this happen? We just wanted to spread the word of Trinimac, not start a civil war."

After speaking to him, Bazrag will turn to the body of Solgra:

Chief Bazrag: "May Trinimac take you to your final reward, high priestess."
Priest Uugus: "Chief Bazrag! I thought you were a firm believer in Malacath?"
Chief Bazrag: "There's no place for a gentle soul in the Ashen Forge, priest. So why not let Trinimac have her?"
Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "Goodbye, my friend. I'm going to miss you."

Talviah Aliaria sacrificedEdit

"But … but … oh, if you insist. When the king's soldiers banged on the doors, Solgra and the Wood Elf ran upstairs and outside. The soldiers knocked us aside and chased after them.
I'm not sure what's going on, but the soldiers were very angry."
The high priestess didn't say anything?
"She told the Wood Elf to keep up and then they were both running like, well, like soldiers were chasing them.
Usually Solgra is so … proper. If the soldiers hadn't had their weapons drawn, I'm sure she would have gone with them quietly."
"I don't know what's going on, but it probably has something to do with that overly cheerful Wood Elf.
I'm sure Solgra will clear up the situation in no time."

After Eveli is shot, inside the temple he'll only say:

"How could something like this happen? We just wanted to spread the word of Trinimac, not start a civil war."

Long Live the KingEdit

Talviah Aliaria sparedEdit

"I'm going to miss this place. The temple has become a more somber place since the death of the high priestess. Solgra was a good woman. She cared about our people and hoped to spread Trinimac's word.
I know she also considered you to be her friend."
Are you going somewhere?
"The temple is going to be rededicated to Malacath now that King Kurog and the forge-mother are gone. It's a shame, but I can't blame the clan chiefs. Not after what the Vosh Rakh did."
Chief Bazrag asked me to give you this.
"What's this? A funeral? For Kurog?
I'd be honored to represent Solgra and the temple at this solemn event. Not because I have any love for the mad king, but because I see Bazrag's wisdom. The city needs to heal. I'll do what I can to help with that."
"I shall represent Trinimac and the temple at Kurog's funeral. The people need to see that we're not all Vosh Rakh fanatics."

Talviah Aliaria sacrificedEdit

"The temple has never been more full of joy and life! Thank you for saving the high priestess!
But where are my manners. Your Elf friend. She's still fighting to survive the wounds inflicted upon her. May Trinimac watch over her and make her well."
Thank you. Eveli will pull through. She has to.
"I'm glad to see someone still has some faith after all this. Speaking of which, I hope they let us stay after they rededicate the temple. I've come to like this city, trouble and all."
What are they doing to the temple?
"Now that King Kurog and the forge-mother are gone, the temple is going to be rededicated to Malacath. It's a shame, but I can't blame the clan chiefs. Not after all that trouble with the Vosh Rakh."
I almost forgot. Chief Bazrag wanted you to have this.
"What's this? A funeral for Kurog? I'd be honored to represent the priesthood at such a solemn event. Perhaps the chief sees a place for Trinimac in the days ahead. I hope so.
No matter. The city needs to heal. I'll do what I can to help with that."
"I shall represent Trinimac and the temple at Kurog's funeral. The people need to see that we're not all Vosh Rakh fanatics."

The FuneralEdit

From here his dialogue is the same.

Make your way to the Castle Overlook:

"May Trinimac watch over all those who have fallen and guide them to their next reward."

After Bazrag's speech:

"Another king? Well, I suppose that makes sense. A united Orsimer is certainly stronger than isolated clans.
I guess you could say Kurog got his wish after all."

Back in the keep, you'll hear:

Rigurt the Brash: "Does priest appreciate Rigurt's gift? It's filled with the finest Nord spices and … well, you probably don't want to know about the "and.""
Priest Uugus: "Are you sure this is safe to eat? I'm not sure I even know what this is."

Speak to him and it's clear the priest has been indulging:

"I'm happy for my people, but I'm sad that we lost the temple. Malacath wins the day and Trinimac fades back into obscurity.
No! I won't let that happen! As long as I have the breath to speak, I'll spread the word of Trinimac! You'll see!"