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ON-icon-verse-defense-Reflected Ruin.png Reflected Ruin
Blocking with Reflected Ruin verse
Store Blocked Damage and release it at enemies using Bash!
Blocking damage instantly heals your party for 33% / 50% of the amount blocked.
Bash triggers Reflected Ruin which consumes all stored damage and deals Physical damage in the amount of the stored damage. The damage increases based on your maximum health.
Bashing with at least 8000 / 6000 damage stored expands Reflected Ruin to hit all enemies within 20 meters.

This verse causes you to store damage taken each time you Block an attack, healing you and allies for that amount. Using a Bash attack when you have damage stored will release it and deal Physical Damage to the enemy. If you have enough damage stored, is instead dealt in a large area. You will know when it is empowered when you get a green glow around your character, you also get a sound notification.



Achievement Points Description
   Gifted and Accomplished 10 Acquire 8 specific and unique Verses in the Infinite Archive.
