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The original Aldmeri Dominion quest line was different than the final version. A number of settlements were cut from each zone, and the Imga were once part of Grahtwood's storyline. The southern end of Summerset Isle was intended to serve as a zone at some point, as well as a starter island called Rictus.


Valenwood would have been home to the Imga, a so-far unseen race of great apes native to the province. Imga NPCs would have had the classes of Imga Guard, Cliffvoot Guard, Ookvoot Resident, Cliffgut Stalker, and Cliffvoot Sentry.

  • Calypsi's Foothold was a forested area ruled by Calypsi, where Elder Brump would have been kidnapped.
  • Cliffvoot was an Imga settlement and the home of Elder Brump.
  • Ookvoot was an Imga settlement that would have hosted a prestigious scavenger hunt.
  • Stumptown was an Imperial lumber camp that would have invaded Barkbite and been sabotaged by Imga forces.

The ThramblesEdit

Aldmeri Dominion
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
There were tracks leading away southeast from the hoarvor nest. I should keep watch for any other signs of Claire's flight through the woods.
It's likely that she's still lost in the Thrambles somewhere.
Claire must have run back to the cave where I found her, in the southwest portion of The Thrambles.
I need to escort Claire out of The Thrambles, to Thistlewhip's camp.
Claire has made it safely into the care of the Bosmer hunters south of The Thrambles. I should speak to her by the fire.



  • Elder Knonk — an Imga.
  • Foosh — an Imga.
  • Hoom — an Imga.
  • Wud — an Imga.


Aldmeri Dominion
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
If I'm going to take part in the imga scavenger hunt, I should tak [sic] to Elder Knonk.
I must find the items that Elder Knonk requested before my competitors Hoom and Wud. The Elder wanted something shiny, pointy, clangy, and round.
I need to look for cutlery south of the sand cove. Its probably strewn across the beach.
I collected the items Knonk requested. I should decide if I'm going to give the items to Knonk. I could give them to Hoom or Wud so one of them could defeat the other.
I should return to the elder's hut and speak to Wud.
I should return to the elder's hut and speak to Elder Knonk.
I should return to the elder's hut and speak to Hoom.

Aldmeri Dominion
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I agreed to investigate the ruins.
I should relate what I saw in the ruins to Foosh in Ookvoot.


Map of Rictus

The unimplemented companion starter island to Khenarthi's Roost would have been Rictus, likely being visited after Khenarthi and before Auridon, akin to the dual starter zones of the other two alliances. It had a tropical climate and would have been set on the islands seen southwest of the Drowned Coast on most maps of Tamriel. It would have had 3 wayshrines (though two would be on the Prowler). Locations would have included:

  • Port Dibellum was the hub settlement of the zone that used a mix of Colovian architecture and had a wayshrine (Port Dibellum Wayshrine).
  • Fort Kragg: a square fort on the southern part of the bay with Dibellum, with Ayleid ruins stretching across the southern end of the island, towards a dock.
  • Coral Island: a slightly smaller island west of Rictus, which would have had an accessible eastern beach, and presumably the original Storm Totem ritual from The Tempest Unleashed.
  • Stonehallow Ridge was a beach on the northeast part of the island with shallow sands, and connected to a small island to the south.
  • Cave of Endless Anguish: Found on the southeast part of Rictus
  • The Prowler was a ship owned by Captain Jimila that would be docked on the north bay of Rictus and the southeast bay of Coral Island.
  • "Fire Ship": a ship docked at Port Dibellum
  • When you're prepared to travel, we leave for Rictus.
  • <<1>> awaits me on the beach. When I'm ready to leave for Rictus, I should talk to him.
  • A few more serpents came rose from the sea before you silenced the horns. With the Green Lady leading our forces, we quickly slew the beasts and put down the remaining Maormers.
    It was a true honor to serve alongside her. Rictus will be glorious.

The island was cut later into development, with some elements re-used. The beaches and storm dias from Coral Island were later repurposed into Cat's Eye Quay as part of the quest "The Tempest Unleashed". Though it did not make it into Rictus, the Prowler also had appearances in Khenarthi's Roost and Vulkhel Guard.


Long before the release of ESO: Summerset, the files contained remnants of a zone in southern Summerset since launch. The cities of Sunhold (then found on Sunhold Isle) and Dusk were still present, as were settlements such as Isque and regions such as Varyllis and The Orrery. Ayarynne was the original name of Queen Ayrenn. Imga, Sload, and Maormer were also included but removed. This is largely documented on the Imperial Library.

An entity held highly by the Maormer is also mentioned in the lines in files:

"May Mother Sea embrace you kindly until we meet again."