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Online:Rustler Javelinier

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Rustler Javelinier
Location Area surrounding the Poacher's Encampment
Race Varies Gender Varies
Health 31,364
Reaction Hostile Class Vanquisher
An Orsimer Rustler Javelinier

Rustler Javeliniers are associated with the poachers at the Poacher's Encampment.

Rustler Javelinier
Location Within the Poacher's Encampment
Race Breton Gender Varies
Health 90,628 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile Class Vanquisher

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Quick Strike
A basic melee attack that does minor physical damage.
Heavy Strike
A heavy melee strike that does moderate physical damage. This attack can be blocked to set the enemy off balance.
The enemy will block, reducing incoming damage. This is always followed by Retaliation.
The enemy spins around, staggering as well as doing moderate physical damage to the player. This attack can be blocked to reduce damage taken and set the enemy off balance.
The enemy throws a javelin from afar, staggering as well as doing moderate physical damage to the player. This attack can be interrupted to set the enemy off balance. Blocking will reduce the damage taken and prevent the stagger.
Bear Trap
The enemy places bear traps on the ground. This attack will do moderate physical damage and root all enemies within the red circle.


They will sometimes shout things while defending their camp:

Rustler Javelinier: "Protect the old snow rat or we don't get paid!"
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