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Home City Rawl'kha
Race Khajiit Gender Female
Health 15,000
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Faction(s) Moon-Singers

Satarri is an inexperienced Khajiit moon-singer who tells the third and final part of Khunzar-ri and the Demon from the middle of Rawl'kha during the related quest.

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As you approach her, you will overhear the last part of her story:

Satarri : "Then Khunzar-ri turned to the rest of his Kra'Jun. "One more we need, a Khajiiti queen of renown. Anequina Sharp-Tongue …""
Satarri : ""… who loves to bask in the glow of the Big Moon when she reflects and thinks deep thoughts." These are the words and the words are true."

You have the option of asking her some questions before talking to Abnur Tharn:

"Satarri is new to the art of storytelling, so forgive her if she isn't as interesting as she should be. She will improve, of this she is sure."'
Dagaril-dro sent me. I need to learn the story of Khunzar-ri and the demon.
"Old Grandfather the Loremaster? Satarri has heard of him but has never met him. She was made a moon-singer by the previous storyteller to guard the third part of that ancient tale.
Since you arrived so late, should Satarri tell the story again?"
Yes. Please tell me your part of the story.
"'In the time before time, when the sixteen kingdoms roamed with wild abandon, the hero Khunzar-ri gathered champions to deal with a terrible demon and his horde. With Nurarion the Perfect and Flinthild Demon-Hunter, he sought a third companion.'"
Who was the third companion?
"Patience. Satarri is getting to that part!
"The demon said, "Oh, little cat-thing, you amuse us! How can three tiny morsels ever stand against us?" Khunzar-ri laughed, "We may be tiny, but we are persistent! And tricky, too, as you will see.""
What did Khunzar-ri do?
""Then Khunzar-ri turned to his Kra'Jun. "One more we need, a Khajiiti queen of renown. Anequina Sharp-Tongue, who loves to bask in the glow of the Big Moon when she reflects and thinks deep thoughts."
These are the words and the words are true."
Thank you, moon-singer.
"Something else, traveler? This one thinks that stern old wizard wants to talk to you, yes?"

If spoken to before heading to Jode's Light, she will say:

"Satarri hopes the story of Khunzar-ri helps you on your quest, traveler."