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Online:Scholar Laurette Diel

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Scholar Laurette Diel
Home Settlement Bangkorai Garrison
Race Breton Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Scholar Laurette Diel

Scholar Laurette Diel is a Breton found outside the Bangkorai Garrison.

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"Oh, I'm sorry. Are you here for a tour? I'm afraid they've all been suspended until this mess with the Imperial army is resolved.
If I could offer a suggestion? Turn around and head for the safety of Evermore's walls."
We came a long way to ask you about the Gray Host.
"As you can plainly see, now is not a good time. My fellow scholars and I fled when Septima Tharn and her Daedra-worshiping zealots attacked.
We barely got out before the first impacts from their ballistae shook the walls."

If you have completed Storming the Garrison, you can say:

You can rest easy. High King Emeric and I have retaken the garrison.
"You did? Why didn't any of the knights report this? No one tells scholars anything!
If that's true, and I see no reason you'd offer such an audacious lie, then thank you. Septima Tharn is mad! Had we stayed, she would have fed us to her Daedra."
Now that things have settled down, can I ask you some questions about the Gray Host?

If you have not:

Septima Tharn's army attacked Bangkorai Garrison? Where are they now?
"Occupying the walls. And they didn't just attack the garrison, they conquered it.
The knights keep saying the Lion Guard will come. That we'll push the invaders out in less time than it takes to brew a cup of tea. But that hasn't happened yet."
Regardless, I need to ask you some questions about the Gray Host.
"I'm sorry. Concern for my colleagues and the Pyre Watch warrior who accompanied them has my thoughts in a jumble.
Come to think of it, the Pyre Watch are experts on the Gray Host. Find my friends and I'm sure the warrior will answer your questions."
Unhallowed Grave Uncompleted:
Unhallowed Grave Completed:
Pyre Watch?
"They're guardians sworn to watch over a Gray Host burial site located here in Bangkorai.
One of their warriors was here recruiting when the garrison came under attack. She went to protect my colleagues, but no one's returned. Can you go find them?"
I'm familiar with the Pyre Watch. I met a member not long ago.
"Then you know how brave and knowledgeable they are.
One of their warriors was here recruiting when the garrison came under attack. She offered to protect the scholars that fled and I haven't seen them since. I fear for their safety. Can you help?"
I'll find your missing scholars and the Pyre Watch warrior.
"Cogline and Indouz fled in the direction of Evermore with the Pyre Watch warrior, while Jeanard headed toward Kerbol's Hollow.
Please be careful. The wilderness can be treacherous between here and there."
Isn't there anything at all you can tell me about the Gray Host?
"Even if my mind wasn't clouded with worry, I'm an expert on the Second Era. My First Era knowledge is extremely limited.
The Pyre Watch knows more about the Gray Host than anyone. Find her and my friends, and she'll provide the answers you seek."
I'll find the Pyre Watch warrior and your colleagues.
"Thank you, friend. When you return with the scholars safely in tow, we should be able to put our collective heads together and dredge up that ancient history.
That is, if the Pyre Watch warrior hasn't already satisfied your curiosity."

Return to her camp and she'll say:

"You found them! Cogline, Indouz, and Jeanard returned not long ago. Thank you. We owe you a great debt.
I hope the Pyre Watch warrior was able to provide the historical information you came looking for."