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Online:Secundinus the Despoiler

< Elder Scrolls Online: Creatures
Secundinus the Despoiler
Location Imperial SewersAlessian Tombs
Species Wraith
Health 743,985 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 2.png
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Condition Undead
Tel Var Stones, Imperial Fragments
Lead: Hecatomb Tassets
Secundinus the Despoiler

Secundinus the Despoiler is a giant wraith and one of the champions found in the Imperial Sewers. He controls and imprisons the many undead found in the Alessian Tombs.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Enveloping Strike
Basic melee double attack dealing moderate physical damage twice.
Cold Fire Bolt
Basic ranged attack dealing moderate flame damage.
Coldfire Reach
Cold fire blooms out from beneath Secundinus in six directions, dealing major flame damage and snaring targets hit.
Pure Terror
Secundinus picks you up with a beam of energy, stunning you for five seconds and dealing continuous moderate frost damage. You cannot break free of this so use damage shields and set down heal over time effects to mitigate the damage for the duration. As you're being restrained, blue energy flies from your body towards the cold fire braziers on the southeast, northeast and northwest corners of the platform and towards nearby allies, dealing continuous moderate frost damage.
Summon Skeletal Wretch
Secundinus rushes over to a bone pile and summons two Skeletal Wretches.


Secundinus the Despoiler

Engaging him in combat:

"Welcome! My graves are hungry for new occupants."
"Visitors are too few down here. I wonder why?

Encountering him after the first time:

"This time you shall taste the soil of a freshly-dug grave!"
"Still trying to kill the unkillable?"
"You return to join my collection?"
"Welcome back. The grave awaits!"

Summoning Skeletal Wretches:

"Awaken, lost souls! Awaken and serve me!"
"Come alive, my thralls! Protect me!"
"The dead arise to serve me!"
"Come, friends—join the festivities!"
"Come out! Protect your master!"
"Look well, mortal. Soon you will join them!"



There is one achievement associated with this creature.

Achievement Points Description
   Sewer Subjugator 15 Kill all the named champions lurking in the Imperial Sewers.