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Online:Sergeant Karriel

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Sergeant Karriel
Home City Satakalaam
Location Outside Lord Zagari's House
Race Redguard Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Sergeant Karriel

Sergeant Karriel is a Redguard soldier of the Sentinel City Guard who can be found in Satakalaam. She can be found with Private Nadshanam, watching over the Imperial prisoners after the army took back the city.


Once the Imperial threat has been neutralized, you'll hear the following exchange:

Sergeant Karriel: "I tire of waiting. What news from the General, much honor be upon him?"
Private Nadshanam: "The runner has not yet returned, ma'am. I am certain that our great leader is attending to vital business. If I may venture a suggestion, perhaps we -"
Sergeant Karriel: "I know that the General has forbidden executions until the Withered Hand has been dealt with, but these scheming asps represent the worst of Sep's children. Ourkinsmen [sic] suffered unspeakable shame at their hands, and I will not see them ransomed."
Private Nadshanam: "I am certain that the General has plans for them. With respect, we should wait for his ruling."
Sergeant Karriel: "You are right, private—of course. But there is no harm in being prepared. Tell the men to assemble a detail—five bowmen with sharp eyes and stone hearts … and I suppose a priest as well. Even these dogs deserve Tu'whacca's last rites."