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Online:Sevilo Andus

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Sevilo Andus
Location Random Encounters in Blackwood
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Health 133,844
Reaction Friendly
Sevilo Andus

Sevilo Andus is a Dark Elf who can be found with his fiancée Garas Llaren as a random encounter in Blackwood. He and Garas are having their portrait painted, and he wants fashion advice.


When he notices you, he will call you over.

Sevilo Andus: "Oh, your sense of style is uniquely eye catching. Would you be willing to assist me?"
Sevilo Andus: "I have never seen someone dressed in your manner before! Those color choices are truly inspiring. Please, I require some knowledgeable advice."
Sevilo Andus: "I must know where you got that outfit! No, no that would be foolish in these circumstances as I am pressed for time. Perhaps you can offer me some advice instead?"

Speak with Sevilo and you can ask him about his predicament.

What advice do you need?
"My gorgeous wife-to-be has commissioned a painter to capture our likenesses. She has taken it upon herself to organize all the details. Thankfully I only have one task, but I am worried that my eye is not as refined as she expects."
What is your task?
"To settle on an outfit befitting a man in my new station. I promised her I had just the perfect thing in mind, but in reality, I stuffed all that I own into my bag and hoped some inspiration would strike. Please, can you help me choose?"
What are the choices?

At this point, you can select between the three options, and he will change his outfit to show you. Once you choose one, it will be out of your hands and he will show Garas to see her reaction.

"I have an outfit that's bold and heroic. Or maybe she'd prefer one that's sweet and romantic? And then there's this one here I brought because it reminded me of when we met. Which should I try?"
The bold outfit.
"I found this fabulous antique armor set in the Senchal markets and I've been waiting for a chance to wear it. What better time to surprise my Garas than for our portrait!"
Yes, this one.
"Yes I feel more confident already! I can't wait to see her reaction!"
What are the other options again?
The romantic outfit.
"The tailor gave me a fantastic deal on this suit. But we had to set out for this trip before she could alter it. The fit isn't perfect. I'll have to set aside time when we return to have it looked at."
Yes, this one.
"Yes I feel more confident already! I can't wait to see her reaction!"
What are the other options again?
The sentimental outfit.
"Is this not too shabby? I was out excavating for artifacts in this when we met. She noticed something in the dirt and we got to talking about Dunmer pottery and that was it. I made sure these were clean but … is the sentiment worth it?"
Yes, this one.
"Yes I feel more confident already! I can't wait to see her reaction!"
What are the other options again?

Picking the Sentimental Outfit

If you picked the Sentimental Outfit:

Sevilo Andus: "Darling, how does this outfit look? I think we will make an adorable portrait!"
<Garas Llaren turns around.>
Garas Llaren: "Oh love, it's perfect! This outfit is everything I love about you."
Sevilo Andus: "Yes! I knew this was the perfect choice from the start!"

He will be happy with your advice:

"Your advice was spot on. She loves it!"
Picking the Romantic Outfit

If you picked the Romantic Outfit:

Sevilo Andus: "My love, what do you think?"
<Garas Llaren turns around.>
Garas Llaren: "Wow, indeed, I do see. That is … quite the statement piece you settled on. I can see why you waited to show me."
Sevilo Andus: "The waist is a little…tight in places. I'm afraid to move much. Still, nothing but the best for my beautiful wife!"

He will be uncertain at her response:

"That seemed to go well. Maybe. I can't tell. I'm terrible at reading her."
Picking the Bold Outfit

If you picked the Bold Outfit:

Sevilo Andus: "I have chosen the perfect compliment to your overwhelming beauty, dear. Come see!"
<Garas Llaren turns around.>
Garas Llaren: "I … well. Sevilo that you under there? Could we at least see your face. It is a portrait, dear,"
Sevilo Andus: "Oh, right. Yes I suppose that is rather the point of this whole endeavor. No matter, I will look my best even by going helmet-less."

He will be confused with your advice:

"That brief look of repulsion was just a startle response, right? Surely she didn't hate this or lost her good opinion of me."



  • Prior to patch 7.0.7, Sevilo's face would stretch horrifically if you got him to first change into the bold outfit and then either of the other two. After he finishes his dialogue, his face will return to normal.
    • Following an unknown update after it, this bug can occur once more. Once it does, every time a new dialogue starts, his face stretches out again. ?