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Online:Shadowed Path Lich

< Elder Scrolls Online: Creatures
Shadowed Path Lich
Location Lindai
Species Lich
Health 173,447 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) Shadowed Path
Condition Undead
Lead: The Heartland
Lead: Jeweled Skull of Ayleid Kings[verification needed]
Shadowed Path Lich

The Shadowed Path Lich is a lich found in the center of Lindai. It is a former Shadowed Path necromancer who underwent the rituals to transform into a lich. You'll need to destroy it during the related quest.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

As it is considered an elite enemy, Shadowed Path Lich is immune to all forms of crowd control effects.

Necrotic Spear
A basic ranged attack that deals minor Frost damage.
Defiled Ground
The lich casts a rune on the ground, indicated by a red circle, at or near its target's location, which deals continuous low magical damage and snares.
Soul Cage
The lich summons three to five lich crystals from the ground around itself, as indicated by large red circles. Standing near the crystals deals continuous low magical damage. This ability is always followed by Soul Rupture. Stay at range when this spell is cast to avoid the lich crystals.
Soul Rupture
After a short time, the crystals explode, dealing high magical damage to all targets within the red circle. Affected targets are lifted above ground briefly; Break Free can be used to escape. Blocking during the crystal detonation negates the immobilization.