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Home Settlement Riverhold
Store Banished Regrets Inn
Race Khajiit Gender Female
Health 25,974
Reaction Friendly
Store Type Innkeeper

Shuzirri is a Khajiit innkeeper who runs the Banished Regrets Inn within Riverhold.


"I accept all kinds in the Banished Regrets, I truly do. But that Wood Elf bard keeps tracking mud on my clean floors."
"The former owner came up with the inn's name, the Banished Regrets. I thought it best not to ask why."
"Watch out for Tajirri. She plays the fool, but there is no better gambler in all of Riverhold."
"Mizzik is the model patron, as always. Keeps his room clean, pays for everything in advance. And it doesn't hurt that he's awfully handsome, yes?"
