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Online:Snakeskin Berserker

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Snakeskin Berserker
Location Sunhold
Race Maormer Gender Varies
Health 108,669 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) Storm Sharks
A female Snakeskin Berserker

Snakeskin Berserkers are Maormer leviathans, a sorcerous coupling of Sea Elf and Sea Serpent. They are much larger than the average Maormer and act in a feral manner, often seen accompanied by Storm Shark soldiers who are keeping them contained.

Along with Snakeskin Brutes, they can be encountered throughout Sunhold. No matter what weapons they wield, they will only use basic melee strikes during combat, though they have a slightly faster attack rate to compensate.



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