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Online:Snow-Bourne House (Windhelm)

< Elder Scrolls Online: Places: Eastmarch / Homes
Snow-Bourne House
(view on map)
Owner Tela and Korsen Snow-Bourne
Northeastern Windhelm
Crafting Stations
  • ON-icon-Cooking Station.png Cooking Fire (x2)
Snow-Bourne House

This Snow-Bourne House is a two-story Nord-style dwelling and the home of the Snow-Bourne family in northeastern Windhelm. It is located opposite The Adept's Retreat. The door is locked with a simple lock and an intermediate safebox can be found at the base of the stairs. One of the two cooking fires can be found inside, across from the entrance. The right-hand side of the ground floor is furnished with a table, a kitchen counter, a fish drying rack, and several storage containers. The area on the left is used for storage and contains stacks of wood, a stand with fishing rods, and yet more crates and barrels. There is also a small storage room here and a staircase leading upstairs. The upper floor consists of a loft with another cooking fire and a bedroom found behind a closed door. The bedroom is furnished with a double bed, a dresser, a nightstand, and a wardrobe. A book, Brave Little Scrib, lies on the dresser. All storage containers found around the house, along with drinks and alchemy bottles, are owned.

In the house

Korsen and Tela Snow-Bourne accompanied by Bite, their dog, can be encountered on the ground floor. Rolara Oaken-Hull resides upstairs.
