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Online:Spellscar Salamander

< Elder Scrolls Online: Non-Combat Pets: S
"You'd think a salamander warped by the Spellscar would be a frightening beast, but I find the play of energies in their form enthralling. Also, no matter the weather, having one at your feet helps you stay comfortably warm or cool."—Naifa, Scholar
Spellscar Salamander
ON-icon-pet-Spellscar Salamander.png
Spellscar Salamander
Type Exotic
Default Name Shockfire
Acquired From Crown Store (Spellscar's Hiss Crate Bundle)
Price 012001,200 Crowns
Category Non-Combat Pets (Exotic)
Quality Legendary
Limit Type Special Collectible

The Spellscar Salamander is a non-combat pet part of the Spellscar's Hiss Crate Bundle, which contains five Buoyant Armiger Crates and is sold in the Crown Store for 012001,200 Crowns. Its default name is "Shockfire".


Appearances: 2

  • Spellscar's Hiss Crate Bundle — September 21, 2023 - December 1, 2023
  • Spellscar's Hiss Crate Bundle — February 20, 2025 - March 6, 2025
