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Online:Spiderkith Broodnurse

< Elder Scrolls Online: People

This article is about the Spiderkith that summon Death Spiders. For the Spiderkith that summon Skein Spiders, see Spiderkith Brood Nurse.

Spiderkith Broodnurse
Location Crypt of Hearts II
Cradle of ShadowsShadows of the Hist
The Spiral SkeinSummerset
Race Spiderkith Gender Varies
Health Normal33,399Veteran123,034 (Crypt of Hearts II)
29,870 (Spiral Skein)
Reaction Hostile
Daedra Hearts, Spider Eggs
A female Spiderkith Broodnurse on Summerset

Spiderkith Broodnurses are hostile Spiderkith enemies that are associated with Mephala. They can be encountered in Crypt of Hearts II and the Cradle of Shadows.

One Broodnurse using the newer skin can be found in The Spiral Skein, guarding the entrance of the building where the Golden Knight is being kept. It is exactly the same as a more common Spiderkith Brood Nurse, but has lower health.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Spiderkith Kiss
Summon Death Spider
Summons a Death Spider.
Necrotic Spear
Basic ranged attack that deals magic damage.


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