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Home Settlement Shrouded Vale
Race Wood Elf Gender Female
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Medium Profession Commoner

Thaelril is a Wood Elf commoner located in the second residential chamber in the Shrouded Vale. She is Lerangor's daughter.

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Speaking to her when you enter the village:

"Welcome to the Shrouded Hollow! Will you be sojourning with us? Or are you simply a visitor?"
Doesn't anyone here find it strange that your village appears out of nowhere?
"Strange? No, of course not! It's how we've always lived. I sometimes wonder whether I should leave. Stay with my cousins in Elden Root, perhaps. But, my father likes keeping his family together. There'll be time to explore when he's gone."
How long have you lived this way?
"Personally, for about forty years. I was born during our last visit.
That's what some of us call our time away: a visit. It's very lovely. So much so, I wonder why we bother Valenwood at all! Seems terribly inconvenient. "
Where did this village come from?
"We're from here, and go there. It's hard to describe.
I actually don't give it all that much thought. I'm sure you'll find many others feel the same way. Why worry about it when our visits happen so smoothly."

After the Wood Orcs are driven off, she will be trying to compose herself from the attack:

"I'm shaking all over inside. To be attacked in one's own home…! Valenwood is not as safe as it once was, I fear."
Are you all right?
"The slaughter…they killed so many people.
I'm not really sure, to be honest.
"At least my father still lives. But he placed such value on family, and now I'm all he has left.
No one ever attacked us before. I don't understand what's changed. It's not us. Please, let me be for now. I need time to recover."