The Gardener | |||
Location | The Gardener's Greenhouse, Hyacinth's Greenhouse | ||
Race | High Elf | Gender | Male |
Reaction | Friendly | ||
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | Garland Ring |
The Gardener is a High Elf and the mysterious leader of the Garland Ring, which fights corruption within the Summerset Isles society. After getting involved with Tanlorin, you eventually meet the Gardener at his newest Greenhouse in Malabal Tor.
Related QuestsEdit
- Thorns and Blossoms: Meet the Gardener and search for an ex-member of the Garland Ring.
- Of Crown and Flowers: Confront the traitor and thwart a dangerous plot.
Quest-Related EventsEdit
Thorns and BlossomsEdit
When you reach Friendly Rapport with Tanlorin, they will show you then invitation they received from the Gardener and asks you to accompany them to the new Greenhouse. After following a set of riddles around Malabal Tor, you soon find the entrance to the Gardener's Greenhouse near the Ritual Mundus Stone.
Once inside, Tanlorin will have you speak with the Gardener, who can be found with Hyacinth:
- The Gardener: "Welcome, Bogcup. And you must be their curious new friend."
- Hyacinth: "Hmm. I see you managed to solve his riddles."
- The Gardener: "Pardon the mess. I'm still unpacking."
Speak with the Gardener to introduce yourself and see what is going on:
- "A pleasure to meet you! Apologies for all the subterfuge, but caution is advised in these trying times.
Speaking of which, the Garland Ring could use your assistance once again." - Maybe you should start at the beginning.
- "No time for that. Let's start with the Ceythalmor attacks in Auridon and Greenshade. After what happened, I reached out to all Garland Ring members, past and present.
One former member, a mage code named Snapdragon, has answered none of my missives." - You think the Ceythalmor have captured Snapdragon?
- "Captured, or worse. Bogcup has spoken very highly of you in their letters. Despite Hyacinth's droll appraisal, you seem quite capable.
I would consider it a personal favor if you and Tanlorin would check on Snapdragon and ascertain the situation." - Where should we go to check on Snapdragon?
- "Snapdragon no longer uses her code name. Now she's Lirinisse, mentoring Mages Guild adepts in Skywatch. I suggest you start your search there."
- We'll head to Skywatch and see if we can find Snapdragon.
After agreeing to help, you can ask him some questions:
- "Snapdragon has a commanding presence. If she wasn't captured and is simply ignoring me, it won't take you long to find her. But a word of caution. She didn't leave the Ring on the best of terms. Make sure she understands I just worry for her safety."
- I have a few questions.
- "Certainly. No agent should head out unprepared.
I know we might seem odd, with all the flowery names and subterfuge, but the Garland Ring stands for something important. I'm extremely proud of what we've accomplished." - Why did Snapdragon leave the Garland Ring?
- "Snapdragon and I never quite saw eye to eye. Two strong wills clashing over everything. We managed to remain professional … until she lost faith in us, in our work.
Her husband, Gladiolus, he died on a mission." - What happened?
- "They were to observe a high-ranking noble, a sponsor for the College of Aldmeri Propriety. Instead, they were set upon by assassins, agents I now believe were members of the Ceythalmor.
She resigned from the group, convinced they had been betrayed." - Betrayed by someone in the Garland Ring?
- "Yes. Paranoia, I believed then. I personally handpick every member of the Ring, you understand. But so much has happened. And now she might be missing.
Perhaps her accusations were not just anger and the baseless speculation I believed them to be."
- "Yes. Paranoia, I believed then. I personally handpick every member of the Ring, you understand. But so much has happened. And now she might be missing.
- "They were to observe a high-ranking noble, a sponsor for the College of Aldmeri Propriety. Instead, they were set upon by assassins, agents I now believe were members of the Ceythalmor.
- "Snapdragon and I never quite saw eye to eye. Two strong wills clashing over everything. We managed to remain professional … until she lost faith in us, in our work.
- What does the Garland Ring stand for? / Why did you found the Garland Ring?
- "You're a worldly person. You've no doubt seen talented, intelligent people in roles that don't make use of their abilities. That don't give them the chance to truly make a difference.
To me, that is the Ring. Talent and skill, harnessed for change." - What kind of change?
- "Change for a better tomorrow. The Thalmor, the Ceythalmor, they're all the same. Powerful people using their resources to ensure wealth and longevity for the few and the privileged.
That's where the Garland Ring steps in. To balance the scales."
- "Change for a better tomorrow. The Thalmor, the Ceythalmor, they're all the same. Powerful people using their resources to ensure wealth and longevity for the few and the privileged.
- "You're a worldly person. You've no doubt seen talented, intelligent people in roles that don't make use of their abilities. That don't give them the chance to truly make a difference.
- Can you tell me something about yourself?
- "Not much, I'm afraid. We have to keep some secrets in this line of work, you understand.
I founded this organization and personally fund all our activities. We undertake missions of a charitable and humanitarian nature, at my sole discretion." - How can you afford to do all of this?
- "Hmm. All I will say is that I have access to family wealth. Terrible, selfish, exorbitant wealth.
Stars willing, through the actions of the Garland Ring, I can begin to repair the damage done by centuries of entitled and simply awful behavior."
- "Hmm. All I will say is that I have access to family wealth. Terrible, selfish, exorbitant wealth.
- "Not much, I'm afraid. We have to keep some secrets in this line of work, you understand.
While in Skywatch, you learn Snapdragon was arrested by the guards and shipped to Sunhold on orders from the Ceythalmor. Tanlorin will say this is bad news, as "you aren't sent to Sunhold unless they want you to disappear." With assistance from Hyacinth and Tanlorin's soul magic, you sail to Sunhold to bust Snapdragon out of prison and use one Hyacinth's portal curios to return to the greenhouse.
You will find the Gardener and Snapdragon in conversation:
- The Gardener: "Welcome to my greenhouse, Snapdragon. It pleases me to see that you're safe."
- Snapdragon: "Spare me your pleasantries, Gardener. I must have a word with my rescuers."
- Tanlorin: "Heh. She's as spirited as ever. Go introduce yourself to her, my friend."
Speaking with the Gardener before Snapdragon:
- "Snapdragon hasn't changed, not one iota! Her will remains as strong as the largest oak in the forest.
There's much I wish to discuss with her, but it seems she would like to have a word with you first."
Talking to Snapdragon, she will explain why she originally left the ground and tells you about her belief that the Garland Ring is compromised. Afterwards, you can talk to the Gardener to see his reaction:
- "A traitor? Just saying the word out loud causes a pit to open in my stomach. I took such care in recruiting every member of the ring.
To think someone among us would be willing to … to betray us!"
Once you have spoken with Tanlorin and completed the quest, you can talk to the Gardener:
- "I may act the fool on occasion, but I can listen to reason. I reached out to the members of the Ring in part to ensure they would respond. Now look where we are.
I dearly wish that Snapdragon had been wrong."
Of Crown and FlowersEdit
When you reach Allied rapport with Tanlorin, will have received an inheritance of a safebox from Snapdragon and is informed via a letter from the Marbruk Bank to come and collect it. This coffer had been given to the bank a week before her death, so with no other leads regarding the Ceythalmor and Wisteria, you and Tanlorin decide to look into this. Inside the safebox, you find Snapdragon's Research Journal which has Snapdragon's suspicions of the various Garland Ring members and their movements.
While searching the places Wisteria visited in Greenshade, Tanlorin is able to use their connection with Wisteria and their Soul Magic to conjure spectral memories of the traitor. From this you learn that the Ceythalmor are amassing at Dusk Keep in Summerset, to launch their plan to assassinate Proxy Queen Alwinarwe. At this, Tanlorin will want to meet with the Gardener and Hyacinth to tell them what is going on, as well as attempt to use their soul connections with Wisteria to create a portal.
You and Tanlorin burst into Hyacinth's Greenhouse, and Tanlorin will have you explain things to the Gardener:
- "How were you able to find Wisteria? We've exhausted every method at our disposal in our search for her and came up fruitless.
And did you discover the truth about her plans?" - We did. Wisteria plans to kill the Proxy Queen.
- "What? Impossible. A strike like that would require years of preparation. Protective wards would need to be dispelled ….
But it does explain some of the actions they've taken. Some irregularities. Gods. We have to warn Alwin … the Proxy Queen." - Tanlorin has a plan. We need your help.
- "I trust Bogcup. And you've proven yourself quite effective. Whatever you intend to do, I'll support it.
Wisteria is cunning, and as patient as anyone I've ever met. She would not take this risk if she didn't think it would succeed." - We'll stop Wisteria. Just listen to Tanlorin.
The Gardener then asks Tanlorin what they need to do:
- The Gardener: "All right, Bogcup. What would you have us do?"
- <Blue magic gathers around Tanlorin.>
- Tanlorin: "Everyone think about Wisteria. Strengthen my connection. I'll push out and bridge the space between us."
- <Hyacinth and the Gardener join and the blue magic spreads to them.>
- Tanlorin: "It's working! Friend, reach out with us. Dusk Keep, here we come!"
You and Tanlorin reach Dusk Keep and the assembled Ceythalmor, and will search for Wisteria and eventually follow her through a teleportation device to enter the palace. You will find yourself in the frozen main hall of the Alinor Royal Palace, where a small group of guards are defending the Proxy Queen from the Ceythalmor. You and Tanlorin will disrupt the assassination attempt and will fight Wisteria and her forces to the death.
With the death of Wisteria and speaking with Tanlorin, they will then awkwardly introduce themselves to the Proxy Queen:
- Proxy Queen Alwinarwe: "What a terrible occurrence. How shall we explain this to the court?"
- <Tanlorin walks before the stairs and bows.>
- Tanlorin: "Your majesty. Hello. I'm an admirer. Sorry about the mess."
- <A portal then opens nearby and the Gardener walks out of it.>
- The Gardener: "I see I'm just in time. Bogcup, well done. Hello, my dear niece. Don't I always say that your uncle has your best interests at heart?"
- Proxy Queen Alwinarwe: "Uncle? We should have known you had a hand in this."
- The Gardener: "I'll answer all your questions, I promise. But first I must tend to my associates."
- Proxy Queen Alwinarwe: "We shall allow it. But we insist you return as soon as possible."
- The Gardener: "Of course. Bogcup, would you and your friend care to accompany me back to the greenhouse?"
- Tanlorin: "You don't have to tell me twice. Let's go."
You will have the option of speaking with the Proxy Queen before leaving, if you talk to the Gardener instead:
- "Best not to overstay our welcome. Run along now before my niece decides to make us clean up this mess."
Entering the portal, you will find yourselves in the Gardener's Greenhouse and Tanlorin will greet Hyacinth:
- Tanlorin: "Hyacinth! Look, we're alive!"
- Hyacinth: "Yes. I can see that. I presume everything turned out well?"
- The Gardener: "Most extraordinary! Bogcup and their friend stopped Wisteria and saved the Proxy Queen."
- Tanlorin: "After everything we've been through, can we stop with the flower names. Why am I a Bogcup, anyway?"
- The Gardener: "Oh, Bog—Tanlorin. The name was never meant as an insult. The bogcup blossom flourishes in the harshest of environments. Just like you."
- Tanlorin: "Oh, that's … that's sweet, actually. Thank you."
You can then talk to the Gardener about the future of the Garland Ring:
- "Without you and Tanlorin, my niece would be dead right now. I, ahem. I hope you believe me when I say how much your efforts mean to me. Thank you.
As for my relationship with the Proxy Queen, well. I hope I can rely on your discretion." - I suppose. What will you do now?
- "It is time for the Garland Ring to take a new form. Just as flowers grow back, vibrant and strong, from the ashes of a fire, we shall rise again, strengthened by the challenges that faced us.
Though it may change the very heart of what we were." - What do you mean?
- "We lost so much to the Ceythalmor. Only a handful of us remain. When I return to Alinor, I shall propose to my niece that we fold the Ring into the Proxy Queen's court.
We will continue the fight for the Dominion's soul from within." - That's a big change.
- "A change we should mark with some ceremony. We each have something to mourn. The end of the Garland Ring as we know it. The loss of dear friends. Lost love.
I prepared a bouquet, to say goodbye to them all. Grab it and bring it to the brazier." - All right.
You can then pick up the Bouquet of Ceremonial Flowers from nearby. Once they are in hand, the Gardener will begin his speech:
- The Gardener: "I've asked our friend to burn this bouquet. A reminder of all we've lost. A farewell to who we were."
- The Gardener: "I began the Garland Ring with a hope to change the Dominion for the better. I believe we did, though it tested us greatly."
- The Gardener: "The Garland Ring is no more. But perhaps something new shall grow from the ashes. To a brighter future, for all of us, one and all."
Speaking with the Gardener before burning the flowers:
- "Please, the flowers. It's time we bring an end to this chapter of the Garland Ring."
After you have burnt the flowers at the near brazier, you can speak with Tanlorin to see what they plan to do next. Speaking with the Gardener beforehand:
- "Bog … erm. Tanlorin is a rare and exceptional individual. And, from what I've seen, you both have that in common.
I can't imagine the toll this has taken on them. But I take solace in knowing they have you by their side. Thank you."
Talking with Tanlorin, they reveal they had been listening when the Gardener was talking about the Garland Ring's future. They will decide that it is time to part ways with the Ring, and want to continue adventuring with you. Once you have completed the quest, Tanlorin will talk to the Gardener and formally resign from the Garland Ring:
- Tanlorin: "Gardener, I understand what you're doing. But I think my time with the Garland Ring has come to an end. It's been an honor."
- The Gardener: "Tanlorin, the honor was all mine. Of course, you should do what you think is right for you. I wish you only the best."
- Hyacinth: "Do not forget us, Tanlorin. Though I suppose that is highly unlikely. I am quite memorable. Do come visit when you can."
- Tanlorin: "Oh I will. I'll still drag you out to get drinks every now and then, Hyacinth. Thank you. Both of you."
After the quest is completed, you can talk with the Gardener a final time:
- "The Garland Ring is no more, but it will live on in spirit. I spent years developing connections and resources. Far too much work to give up after one assassination plot.
The Ring will change, like the seasons. A cycle of renewal." - What will you do next?
- "I promised my niece I'd return to Alinor, to debrief her and the court. Make no mistake. Elements of the Ceythalmor still threaten the heart and soul of the Dominion.
I'm under no illusion that we defeated them completely. More's the pity." - You think they'll strike again?
- "If not the Ceythalmor, then another banner will rise some day. The people of Summerset struggle with an idea, you understand. The corrupting belief that High Elves are destined to rule.
Fighting that idea is the singular challenge of my people."