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Online:The Missing of Bleakrock

< Elder Scrolls Online: Quests: Ebonheart Pact / Bleakrock Isle

ON-qico-Zone Story.png Scour the island for villagers to prepare for evacuation.
Zone: Bleakrock Isle
Zone StoryThis quest is part of the Zone Story
Faction: Ebonheart Pact
Objective: Bleakrock Village — Look for people missing from Bleakrock Village.
Quest Giver: Darj the Hunter, Rolunda, Captain Rana, Seyne
Location(s): Bleakrock Village
Prerequisite Quest: What Waits Beneath, The Frozen Man or Hozzin's Folly
Previous Quest: A Beginning at Bleakrock
Next Quest: Sparking the Flame
Reward: Bleakrock Garrison Plate
Average Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Standard Experience XP
ID: 4016
Some of the villagers that you help will gather at the village square to wait for evacuation
I've found evidence that the Daggerfall Covenant may soon attack Bleakrock and the rest of the Pact. We need to evacuate as soon as possible, but anyone who doesn't rally to the village will be left behind.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Complete What Waits Beneath, The Frozen Man, or Hozzin's Folly.
  2. (Optional) Speak to Captain Rana and evacuate early.
  3. Complete the rest of the quests What Waits Beneath, The Frozen Man, and Hozzin's Folly.
  4. Complete the side quests Dangerous Webs, At Frost's Edge, Tracking the Game, Lost on Bleakrock, and Underfoot.
  5. Speak to Captain Rana to start the evacuation of the villagers.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

This quest begins when you finish one of the three quests provided by Rana (What Waits Beneath, The Frozen Man or Hozzin's Folly). You will be given the option to either return to Rana and order an early evacuation, or scour the island for villagers to send home. You will need to complete the other two quests given by Rana, along with five side quests: Dangerous Webs, At Frost's Edge, Tracking the Game, Lost on Bleakrock and Underfoot. After each quest, the related NPCs will return to Bleakrock Village. Completing all these quests and saving all NPCs is optional, but provides the Hero of Bleakrock achievement if completed.

There are a total of fifteen people you need to find and/or assist. By completing all quests on Bleakrock Isle, you will have the required number of missing villagers (if you have done any of these quests earlier, they all still count.) The list of people who count towards it is following:

  • Hoknir, by completing Tracking the Game. He will appear at the village square after that.
  • Darj the Hunter, by completing What Waits Beneath. Darj will also be at the village square afterwards.
  • Bjorynolf, by completing At Frost's Edge. Bjorynolf will be waiting for the evacuation at the village square, as well.
  • Molla, Brend, Faltha and Runs-in-Wild, by completing Underfoot. They will be found outside Last Rest after you've helped them.
  • Eiman and Rolunda, by completing The Frozen Man. They will be found working at the small field just outside their house.
  • Geilund, by completing Lost on Bleakrock. Geilund, his wife and their dog will be at the village square.
  • Sergeant Seyne, by completing Hozzin's Folly. She will be outside Captain Rana's Office.
  • Bura-Natoo, Hunts-in-Shadow, Naer, and Tethis, by completing Dangerous Webs. The Fighters Guild members will not join the other villagers, but instead stay at their camp, as they will use their own boat to travel off the island.

Head back to Captain Rana. If you saved all the villagers, she comments that the people of Blackrock owe you and that although she hates running, you don't have a choice but to evacuate. If you haven't saved all the villagers, she asks you to confirm that you want to evacuate now and not find the rest of the villagers. Regardless, she tells you that the Covenant has stormed and occupied the nearby location for the signal fire. Your next task is to fight your way through the enemies and light the beacon to warn the mainland.


There is one achievement associated with this quest:

Achievement Points Description
   Hero of Bleakrock 10 Find Bleakrock's missing villagers and send them home.

Quest StagesEdit

The Missing of Bleakrock
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I must decide whether there's enough time to recover all the villagers before preparing to depart.
Objective: Find Missing Villagers
Optional Step: Tell Captain Rana to Evacuate Early
Hidden Objective: Find Missing People: 0/15
Hidden Objective: Investigate Skyshroud Barrow
Hidden Objective: Investigate Orkey's Hollow
Hidden Objective: Investigate Hozzin's Folly
I've found and rescued people from Bleakrock Village. I can tell Captain Rana we're ready to go.
Objective: Tell Captain Rana to Evacuate
Finishes quest  I've convinced Captain Rana it's time to evacuate the island. I should speak to her to set this plan in motion.
Objective: Talk to Captain Rana
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.