This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Online Quest Project. The page is being both written and checked. All users are welcome to make changes to the page. If you make a change that is relevant to the project, please update this template accordingly, and make sure you have observed the project guidelines. Detail
Quick Summary: not written
Quest Stages: not written |
Raynor's pet sphere has gone missing
It seems that Raynor Vanos used the Dwarven power core I acquired for him in Zthenganaz to rebuild and modify a Dwarven Sphere. The construct went crazy and knocked out Kireth, and when she woke up both it and her brother were missing.
Quick WalkthroughEdit
- Talk to Kireth Vanos.
- Use the lightning prod near the wreckage.
- Follow the image of the Dwarven sphere.
- Talk to Raynor Vanos.
- Use the lightning prod again.
- Follow the image of the Dwarven sphere.
- Use the lightning prod on the Overcharged Dwarven Sphere.
- Talk to Kireth.
- Use the lightning prod and track down the runaway sphere.
- Defeat the Reachmen.
- Follow the sphere one last time.
- Choose who to side with.
- Talk to Kireth.
Detailed WalkthroughEdit
- While Raynor mentions to you to not damage the dwarven sphere, since the sphere itself isn't hostile when reaching the camp, it cannot be attacked anyway.
- At the Winterborn camp, a hint appears to again drain energy from the sphere. However, simply killing the raiders banging on the sphere will make it wake up and leave, completing this step.
- Your character uses the dual-wield weapons stow animation when using the rod, even when not dual-wielding weapons. ?
- Unlike when the uses when tracking the sphere, your character uses their hand to siphon the energy from the sphere rather than the rod. ?
- The quest reward, Tinker's Staff of Trouble, is also listed in the Slottable Items in your inventory when it is an equippable weapon-only. When assigned to your quickslot, selecting it does nothing. ?
Quest StagesEdit
Tinker Trouble | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
I should talk to Kireth and find out more about the construct that Raynor tinkered with.
Objective: Talk to Kireth Vanos
The nearby wreckage appears to be the result of Raynor's latest experiment—a reactivated Dwarven sphere. If I use the lightning prod that Kireth gave me, I might be able to track the sphere by its energy discharges.
Objective: Use Lightning Prod near Wreckage
The lightning prod revealed after-images of the sphere and showed me which direction it headed in. I should follow the trail and see if it leads me to Raynor.
Objective: Follow the Dwarven Sphere
The sphere's energy trail led me to Raynor Vanos. I should talk to him and find out what happened after Kireth was knocked unconscious.
Objective: Talk to Raynor Vanos
I should use the lightning prod again so that I can continue to track the runaway Dwarven sphere.
Objective: Use the Lightning Prod
The lightning prod revealed after-images of the runaway Dwarven sphere. I should follow the images and try to find the overcharged construct.
Objective: Follow the Overcharged Dwarven Sphere
I finally caught up to the runaway Dwarven sphere. Raynor said I should use the lightning prod to siphon off some of the sphere's excess energy.
Objective: Use the Lighning Prod on the Overcharged Dwarven Sphere
Just as I drove off the runaway sphere, Kireth and Raynor arrived. I think Kireth wants to talk to me. I should speak with her.
Objective: Talk to Kireth Vanos
Kireth and Raynor want me to use the lightning prod again so that I can follow the runaway sphere. They'll catch up with me after they help the Orcs that the sphere attacked.
Objective: Follow the Overcharged Dwarven Sphere
I should use the lightning prod again so that I can continue to track the runaway Dwarven sphere.
Objective: Use the Lightning Prod
The lightning prod revealed another after-image. If I follow it, I should be able to find the runaway Dwarven sphere.
Objective: Follow the Overcharged Dwarven Sphere
I should use the lightning prod again so that I can continue to track the runaway Dwarven sphere.
Objective: Use the Lightning Prod
The lightning prod revealed another after-image. If I follow it, I should be able to find the runaway Dwarven sphere.
Objective: Follow the Overcharged Dwarven Sphere
I should use the lightning prod again so that I can continue to track the runaway Dwarven sphere.
Objective: Use the Lightning Prod
The lightning prod revealed another after-image. If I follow it, I should be able to find the runaway Dwarven sphere.
Objective: Follow the Overcharged Dwarven Sphere
I finally caught up with the runaway Dwarven sphere at a camp of Reachmen raiders. I need to deal with the raiders and use the lightning prod on the sphere.
Objective: Retrieve the Runaway Sphere
Objective Hint: Use the Lightning Prod on the Overcharged Dwarven Sphere
After defeating the Reachmen, the Dwarven sphere took off again. I should follow it.
Objective: Follow the Overcharged Dwarven Sphere
Now that the Dwarven sphere has stopped rolling around, I should talk to Kireth and Raynor. Kireth wants to destroy it, but Raynor wants to repair it. I should see what they both have to say before we decide what to do with the construct.
Complete one: Talk to Raynor Vanos or Talk to Kireth Vanos
I agreed with Raynor and let him fix the Dwarven sphere. It look like he fixed it all right, but then it rolled off into the wilderness and Raynor went after it. I should talk to Kireth and see what she wants to do now.
Objective: Talk to Kireth Vanos
I agreed with Kireth that the Dwarven sphere needed to be destroyed. I should talk to her to make sure the task was accomplished.
Objective: Talk to Kireth Vanos
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g.,
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.