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Online:Ulves Llothas

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Ulves Llothas
HomeĀ Settlement Gnisis
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Health 15,000
Reaction Friendly
Ulves Llothas

Ulves Llothas is a Dark Elf who can be found in Gnisis. When you first enter the town, you'll find him in a heated discussion with Manore Mobaner about the mysterious occurrences at the egg mine.

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As you enter into Gnisis, you'll overhear the following:

Manore Mobaner: "For the eightieth time, help is on the way! I've received assurances from House Redoran. They will handle this trouble in the mine. You need only be patient!"
Ulves Llothas: "Patient? The foreman just dragged another egg-hand out of the mine and he's worse than the rest! This is on your head, Mobaner!"