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Online:Vaduroth's Sickle

< Elder Scrolls Online: Objects
Vaduroth's Sickle
Location Castle Thorn — Southern Training Yard, Northern Training Yard, Sanctuary of Lament
Type Weapon
Health Normal55,010Veteran157,894 (Vaduroth fight)
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) Thorn Legion
Vaduroth's Sickle
A purified sickle

Vaduroth's Sickles are magical sickles fabricated by Vaduroth of Castle Thorn.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

The Reaping
After being thrown into the ground, the sickle pulls in and stuns multiple targets, and imbues them with magic that combusts shortly after, indicated by red circles around the targets, dealing moderate magical damage and knocking down. The more the targets overlap at the time of the explosion, the more the applied damage increases.
Sickle Toss
After the above ability, the sickle becomes inert and can be attacked. Once its health is depleted, they become usable, and can be thrown at corpses to create friendly Virulent Viscera. In the training yard, the only available corpses are Vale Deer and a dead Thorn Legion Senche-raht, but during the boss fight against Vaduroth, there is a more ample selection hanging from hooks on the arena's ceiling (See Vaduroth's page.).