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Guild Trader
Home City Skingrad
Location Guild Traders
Store Divine Delights
Race High Elf Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Store Type Guild Trader

Vaelelanda is a High Elf guild trader in Skingrad. She runs Divine Delights.

She will put on a tabard while employed by a guild. Her equipment is normally of the Ancestral High Elf Style.


"If I have what you need, who cares what the price is? You need it. And in these troubled times, who knows if I'll have it the next time you stop by?"
"How large is your purse? I ask only because I have a great deal to sell you. Knowing how much you can spare will make our dealings much easier."
"Psh. Newcomers! So stingy with their purses. I'd much rather see our long-absent legionaries return. At least they send some coin home from their military pay."