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Online:Vilia Laetonius

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Vilia Laetonius
Home City Brass Fortress
Location Clockwork Basilica
Race Imperial Gender Female
Health 15,000
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Clockwork Apostles
Vilia Laetonius

Vilia Laetonius is an Imperial Apostle and member of the Congress of Calibration who attends the congressional meeting called by Divayth Fyr and can be spoken to at the start of Unto the Dark

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Vilia Laetonius appears alongside Meder Nerethi in the Clockwork Basilica at the start of Unto the Dark, and can be spoken to.

"I don't buy it. It would take an army to break into the Cogitum Centralis, and we've seen no sign of attack. Probably a wayward skeevaton clogging the vents again."