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Online:Vorsholazh the Anvil

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Vorsholazh the Anvil
Location The Deadlands
Race Havocrel Gender Male
Health 10,229,568 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile
Vorsholazh the Anvil

Vorsholazh the Anvil is a powerful Havocrel Executioner that wanders the Deadlands.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Vorsholazh the Anvil performs an upward swing strike with his weapon, dealing massive physical damage and knocking his affected target away. This can be blocked.
Meteoric Slam
Vorsholazh the Anvil performs a charged overhead strike with his hammer, dealing massive physical damage and knocking its target down. This can be blocked.
Follow-up to "Meteoric Slam", regardless of if it landed or missed. A meteor crashes down at the attacked target, indicated by a red circle, dealing very high flame damage.
Flame Burst
Vorsholazh the Anvil slams his weapon into the ground, causing fire to burst outward, dealing massive flame damage and staggering affected targets. This doesn't have an AoE indicator. This can be interrupted.
Vorsholazh the Anvil powers up before shooting a beam of molten lava at his target, indicated by a growing red circle, dealing very high flame damage.
Lava Flow
Vorsholazh the Anvil spins around and slams his weapon into the ground, causing lava to stream out in three directions, dealing continuous very high flame damage. After traveling a short distance, they come back towards the caster. These don't have AoE indicators.
Rain Fire
Vorsholazh the Anvil twirls his weapon around before raising it up holding it in both hands, conjuring a spell that causes volleys of flaming projectiles to rain down in the arena, indicated by several large red circles, which deal continuous very high flame daamge. This can be interrupted.
Vorsholazh the Anvil dashes and performs a spinning strike at a target standing far away, indicated by a red circle, dealing very high flame damage and knocking them down.


While roaming:

Vorsholazh the Anvil: "No secrets are worth this drudgery."
Vorsholazh the Anvil: "All will pay their debts in blood."
Vorsholazh the Anvil: "Face me, mortals. Your death is my burden!"
Vorsholazh the Anvil: "Come out, mortals! I have a bloody task to perform."
Vorsholazh the Anvil: "Do any dare to face me?"

When engaged:

Vorsholazh the Anvil: "Foes! At last!"

During combat:

Vorsholazh the Anvil: "Ha! You really think you have a chance?"
Vorsholazh the Anvil: "Tired? The contest barely begun!"
Vorsholazh the Anvil: "I will not mortals!"
Vorsholazh the Anvil: "You think me slain? Think again!"
Vorsholazh the Anvil: "You think me weakened? Foolish!"
Vorsholazh the Anvil: "Enough sport. Time to die!"

If you run away from him:

Vorsholazh the Anvil: "Yes, run, mortals! Run and hide!"


There are four achievements associated with this enemy:

Achievement Points Description
   Havocrel Hunter 5 Find and defeat 1 Havocrel Executioner in the Deadlands.
   Havocrel Slayer 10 Find and defeat 10 Havocrel Executioners in the Deadlands.
   Havocrel Exterminator 15 Find and defeat 30 Havocrel Executioners in the Deadlands.
   Bane of the Havocrels 15 Defeat each of the Havocrel Executioners in the Deadlands.