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Skills and AbilitiesEdit

As they are considered elite enemies, watchers are immune to all forms of crowd control effects. Dagonic watchers have all of the same abilities (with one modified slightly), but they deal flame damage instead. As flying creatures, Watchers are immune to snares and roots.

The watcher shoots a beam from its eye directly at its target as a basic ranged attack, dealing moderate magic damage.
The watcher swiftly spins around and releases a burst of magic, as indicated by a large red circle, dealing moderate magical damage, knocking back and snaring all targets in the affected area. Blocking prevents the knockback but not the snare. Dagonic watchers propel themselves forward while performing this ability.
Doom-Truth's Gaze
The watcher shoots either two or five green beams from its eye. When there's two beams, they start on each side of the watcher then rejoin in front of it. When there's five beams, they all start in front of the watcher and disperse in straight lines. There is no indicator for these. Getting hit by a beam deals moderate magical damage and stuns, though Break Free can be used. Blocking negates the stun.

Unique WatchersEdit


Generic WatchersEdit

Generic, unnamed can be encountered in various places across Tamriel, including delves, dungeons, and DLC content. These have varying stats, namely health. Below is a list of , categorized by location, difficulty and health.

Zone / Dungeon Specific Location Reaction Difficulty Health
Eyevea Northeast Portal Hostile   153,000
Halls of Submission Throughout the location Hostile   127,500
Cliffs of Failure The Battlegrounds Antechamber Friendly 39,959
Vaults of Madness Cathedral Hostile    117,879 401,911
Imperial City  Nobles District garrison defense Hostile   105,300
Vvardenfell  Last wave of a ritual outside of Ashalmawia Hostile   77,600
Vateshran Hollows: The Wounding  The Wounding done first Hostile    (?) (?)
The Wounding done second Hostile    197,509 (?)
The Wounding done third Hostile    (?) (?)
Vateshran Hollows: The Wounding
Iozuzzunth fight 
The Wounding done first Hostile    (?) (?)
The Wounding done second Hostile    (?) (?)
The Wounding done third Hostile    (?) (?)
The Cauldron  Throughout the dungeon Hostile    196,465 669,852
Red Petal Bastion  Summoned by Rogerain the Sly Hostile  (?) (?)
Vaults Hostile    (?) (?)
The Deadlands  The Blood Pit Hostile   108,669


There is one achievement associated with this creature:

Achievement Points Description
   Watcher Slayer 10 Defeat 30 Watchers in Veteran Cauldron.


