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Online:Whispering Drudge

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Whispering Drudge
Location Evergloam, Machine District
Race Varies Gender Varies
Health 31,364
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) Whispering Shadows
A Whispering Drudge

Whispering Drudges are members of the Whispering Shadows cult dedicated to Nocturnal that have infiltrated the Clockwork City. They attack with pickaxes or shovels and have no ranged combat abilities or know any spells.

Appears only with Blackwood
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Whispering Drudge
Location Arpenia
Race Varies Gender Male
Health 34,501 (Brute)
60,370 (Shrike)
Reaction Hostile Class Brute
Other Information
Faction(s) Whispering Shadows

Whispering Drudges found in Arpenia come in two variants. Some use the brute class, while others are stronger and use the same abilities as Shrike Executioners.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit


Quick Strike
A basic melee attack that does minor physical damage.
Low Slash
The enemy slashes the target's shins, dealing moderate physical damage and snaring. Blocking will reduce the damage taken, but not the snare.
Focused Charge
The enemy charges forward, doing moderate physical damage and knocking down any targets within the red rectangle. Blocking will reduce the damage taken and prevent the knock down. If the enemy does not hit anything, it will be stunned for a few seconds.

Shrike AbilitiesEdit

Sword Flick
The enemy swipes you with his sword, creating a small magical combustion, dealing minor magical damage.
Crow Strike
The enemy throws a crow at the target, dealing minor magical damage.
Spinning Strike
The enemy performs a spinning jumping attack with his sword, dealing moderate physical damage.