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Online:Wildburn Dire Wolf

< Elder Scrolls Online: Creatures
Wildburn Dire Wolf
Location Wildburn, West Weald
Species Wolf
Health 60,370
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Condition Wildburned
Lead: Ayleid Sculpture, Grand Tree
Wildburn Dire Wolf

Wildburn Dire Wolves are corrupted Dire Wolves found around West Weald, particularly in the Wildburn.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

A weak attack that deal minot physical damage.
A weak attack that deal minor physical damage twice.
A weak bite that deal minor physical damage. Sometimes deals bleeding damage over time.
The Wildburn Dire Wolf rushes forward with a fang-packed jaw, aiming for a weak point and dealing major physical damage. Sometime deals bleeding damage over time.
A weak attack that deal damage and snares.
Wildburn Dire Wolf has a passive ability that causes it to deal 20% more damage when attacking the target's back.