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Online:Wildburn Wasp

< Elder Scrolls Online: Creatures
Wildburn Wasp
Location Fyrelight Cave, Wildburn
Species Giant Wasp
Health 60,370
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Condition Wildburned
Lead: Ayleid Sculpture, Grand Tree
Wildburn Wasp

Wildburn Wasps are corrupted giant wasps found around West Weald, particularly in Fyrelight Cave and the Wildburn.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Giant Wasps are considered flying creatures, and thus snares and roots will not work on them.

A basic melee attack that does minor physical damage.
A heavy melee attack that does moderate physical damage. This attack can be blocked to set the wasp off balance.
The wasp flies forward, doing moderate physical damage and knocking down all enemies as indicated by a red rectangle.

Friendly versionEdit

Wildburn Wasp
Location Wildburn
Species Giant Wasp
Health 15,000
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Condition Wildburned
Wildburn Wasps (friendly)

Those Wildburn Wasps are beyond the reach of the player, high in the trees. They can't be attacked and are friendly.