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Online:Wyress Helene

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Wyress Helene
Location Deleyn's Mill, Vale of the Guardians
Race Breton Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Beldama Wyrd
Wyress Helene

Wyress Helene is a member of the Beldama Wyrd who has come to investigate the situation at Deleyn's Mill.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Turning of the TreesEdit

If you have not started the quest yet and you approach her:

"Why has the forest has turned against this place."

You'll find Helene on the small isle in the river south of the mill:

"The spirit of the Wyrd weeps, for something drives her children mad.
I fear for the innocents in this village."
What's going on here?

If you've already accepted the quest from Bernard Redain, she'll say:

"The forest is enraged. Filled with hatred. We tried to calm it as we always have before, but our magic falters.
Never have the elemental spirits refused to answer our calls. The grass, the trees, the very earth itself—they're dying."
What can we do?
"For now, our purpose is to defend the villagers from these creatures. I can construct a simple ward to protect the mill, but we are far from the Wyrd Tree. I shall require a focus."
I'll help. What do you need of me?

If you've have not met Bernard, she'll instead say:

"Something has enraged the forest. We tried to speak to the woods, to calm it, but it refuses to listen.
Never before has nature refused to hear us. I fear that the land around us is dying."
How can I help?
"Our purpose now is just to get these people out of here. My sisters and I can figure everything else out later.
I can construct a ward to protect the villagers, but my oath prevents me from harming these creatures. I'm at a loss."
I'll take care of it. What do you need me to do?

Either way, she'll continue with:

"Take this creature, born and bound to the essence of Aetherius, and let it guide you to what I need. Hopefully, it will find enough to establish the ward."
What's the Wyrd? / Tell me about the Wyrd.
"The Wyrd Tree, the spirit that gives life to this land. My sisters and I are Beldama Wyrd. We serve the Wyrd Tree.
We came here to discover why anger infests this part of the forest."
Have you discovered anything?
"No, and that worries me.
The forest no longer speaks to us. We sensed that something was wrong and that's why we came here. But beyond that, we are at a loss as to how to make things right."
What should I do with this creature? / What will you do with the components?
"Let this torchbug fly where it will. Let it guide you to the essence of Aetherius. It will find the soil that is most pure and draw out what I need for my focus."

Speaking to her again before you proceed with the ward establishment:

"A focus is required for the ritual to work. This torchbug, born from the soil and sap of the Wyrd Tree, will seek out untainted earth.
Let's hope the corruption hasn't spoiled the entire area."

Return to her with the components:

"I mourn the creatures you were forced to kill. They usually aren't so aggressive."
I've gathered what you need.
"May the essence of Aetherius protect us all.
Now, please, stand back. I must perform the ritual of warding."
I'll just get out of the way.

Helene will cast her spell:

Wyress Helene: "I hope this works!"
Wyress Helene: "There, I think that's done it. Come with me."

She leads you to the mill building where she'll breathlessly remark:

Wyress Helene: "Good! It worked! That's a perfectly fine ward, if I do say so myself."

She'll then run into the mill. Follow her:

"That ward will buy us some time. Now we have to figure out what to do next."
The villagers can't hide in the mill forever.
"Agreed. The mill is safe for now, but we need to get the villagers out of here."

She'll then send you to the next quest:

"My sister Jehanne has a plan to help the villagers, but we need your assistance.
If you're willing to help us, please talk to her."

The Wyrd Tree's RootsEdit

Talking to her before you set out on the task:

"Help Wyress Jehanne, please."

If you try to talk to her during the evacuation of the villagers, she'll urge you on your task:

"Save the villagers first, then we can talk."

The Wyrd SistersEdit

Wyress Helene back at camp in the Vale of the Guardians

After Jehanne left for the Vale of the Guardians with the rest of the survivors, Helene discovered that the creatures were corrupted by Reach magic and she needs you to meet with Wyress Ileana to share these findings:

"I didn't want to say anything with all these poor people around. They've already gone through so much.
But after studying the situation, I think I know what's going on in the forest."
What did you discover?
"The terrible magic that infects these creatures. I've heard stories, but I've never seen it used. Reach magic.
I don't know how this happened. Even the guardians of the Wyrd are silent. This is much worse than I originally imagined."
Who are the guardians?
"Elemental spirits connected to the Wyrd Tree. They guide us in protecting the land.
But if we cannot reach them, they cannot aid us. I must ask for your continued help in this. All of Glenumbra may be at risk if this blight continues to spread."
What do you need me to do?

You can ask her more about the Wyrd Tree:

"You must meet with Wyress Ileana. She was the first to sense the disturbance and may know more about Reach magic.
We have to find a way to stop this or the very earth around us will perish. Please, find my sister on the road north of this mill."
Tell me about the Wyrd Tree.
"The Wyrd Tree, the spirit that gives life to this land. My sisters and I are Beldama Wyrd. We serve the Wyrd Tree.
We came here to discover why anger infests this part of the forest."
Have you discovered anything?
"No, and that worries me.
The forest no longer speaks to us. We sensed that something was wrong and that's why we came here. But beyond that, we are at a loss as to how to make things right."

After the quest, she can be found back at camp in the Vale of the Guardians.

"I'm glad to be back at camp rather than at the mill."