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Home City Solitude
Location The Lonely Troll
Race Nord Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Medium Profession Soldier

Ylsi is a Nord soldier who can be found at the Lonely Troll in Solitude.


She talks about the area.

"If you're here for the hunting, avoid places marked by three sticks tied with a green ribbon. Those are sacred spots. Only those blessed by the bear may hunt there."
"I spent most of my life hunting game, but that gets boring after awhile. Now, I hunt down lawbreakers. I'll be back at it again shortly. Try not to get on my list."
"Though we worship the Divines here in Solitude, pay heed to the old ways. Some still adhere to them and will find you wanting if you don't respect them—even unknowingly.
Go listen to a bard sing "The Song of Gods." That'll help you."

After Queen Gerhyld's assassination, she may say:

"Ah, I shall revel in the deaths of those who killed our queen. I would not normally care, but I have no doubt that Hircine will smile upon my efforts."