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Home City Orsinium
Location Scarp Keep
Race Khajiit Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly

Zabani is a Khajiit found imprisoned in the Scarp Keep dungeons for stealing King Kurog's favorite mug. If you help clear her name during the related quest, she can later be found by the fire in The Greedy Gut.

Related QuestsEdit

  • One Ugly Mug: Find a thief's stash and decide what to do with it.

Quest-Related EventsEdit

When first spoken to in her jail cell:

"This one shouldn't be here! It was Agolas who stole from the king, not poor Zabani!"
Tell me what happened.
"Zabani met Agolas on the way to Orsinium. Many dangers line the road, so we traveled together together.
We celebrated our arrival with drinks. When this one returned from the privy, the Guard accused Zabani of stealing from the King! Of what, she does not know!"
Where was Agolas?
"Gone! Zabani was a fool to trust him. This one remembers he mentioned his "camp". Why would a traveler have a camp, unless he was a bandit?
Please, free Zabani! She has nowhere else to turn."
All right, I'll do what I can to help you.

She can then be asked questions:

"Agolas always wrote in a journal. Zabani is certain his plans to frame her are within. This one saw a map inside his journal. To his bandit camp? Not far, this one can show you.
Please, find the journal and prove Zabani's innocence!"
Why did you travel with Agolas?
"Zabani enjoyed walking behind him. It was like watching the rolling ocean.
This one is not usually distracted in such a way. Perhaps Agolas relied on this to trick her."
What did the Guard accuse you of stealing?
"Zabani does not know! They will not tell her. They say it was "the king's property" but will not explain.
This one thinks she will rot in the cell until it is found—or until she is proven innocent."

Once the mug is found:

"Zabani prays this will be over soon."
I searched Agolas's camp.
"Oh? What did you find? Do not keep Zabani suspended!"
I found the stolen goods. I can prove your innocence.
"This one knew you walked with Khenarthi's luck! Quickly, show them to Warden Oorg. Zabani can already taste her freedom!"

However, if you also found the Note to Agolas, you can question her guilt:

"Poor Zabani! Why will none believe that Agolas stole from the king, not her?"
I searched Agolas's camp.
"Oh? What did you find? Do not keep Zabani suspended!"
I found your note to Agolas. I can prove you were partners.
"Shh! Not so loud.
If you found my note, you know Agolas betrayed me. I didn't deserve the blame for his plan—I didn't want to touch that ugly thing. Agolas should rot for what he did to me."
You stole the mug. Why shouldn't I turn you in?
"I can make it worth your while. If you place the blame on Agolas, he'll let me go. Then I'll collect my emergency funds, meet you at the Greedy Gut, and pay you for the note and your silence.
Think about it."
Actually, Agolas is dead.
Well, he'd be alive if he hadn't tried to frame me. The whole thing was his idea."
But you helped him. Why shouldn't I turn you in?
"I can make it worth your while. If you place the blame on Agolas, he'll let me go. Then I'll collect my emergency funds, meet you at the Greedy Gut, and pay you for the note and your silence.
Think about it."


If you convince the guard she's innocent (whether or not it's a lie), she'll run out of the dungeon exclaiming:

Zabani: "Zabani will head to the Greedy Gut. Meet her there, yes?"

You can then find her at the Greedy Gut in front of the fireplace.

"This is so much better than a cell. Zabani thought her fur would never recover! Thank you for pitying this one's predicament."

If you knew Zabani's guilt, but lied for her to get her released, you have an additional option:

Do you have my cut?
"Here, take this. There is honor among thieves. Some of us, at least.
Perhaps I'll see you around the Outlaws Refuge."
"I didn't expect Wrothgar to be so harsh. Next time I won't be so eager to find a partner."
Why did you decide to work with Agolas?
"I came to Wrothgar because … well, I fled. Things were too hot—temperature and otherwise.
Agolas reminded me of someone from home. Said he could get me into the Thieves Guild, so I jumped at the chance to prove myself. Jumped right into a cell."
Where was home?
"Abah's Landing. The Jewel of Khefrem! If you hid the jewel up a camel's arse to smuggle it past the dockmaster.
I do miss it. Wrothgar is too harsh a place for me."
If you don't like it here, why not go home?
"Truly? Perhaps you are right. By now everything should be settled.
All right. I'll restore my funds and catch the next ship out. Perhaps I'll see you there!"


If you knew Zabani's guilt and told the warden, he assures you he will return the mug. This ends the quest.

You can then talk to Zabani again.

Zabani: "Ah, it's the one who stabbed me in the back with such little effort. If I didn't know better, I'd assume you belonged to the Dark Brotherhood."

If you own the Dark Brotherhood DLC, you'll be given the option to Remain Silent.

<Remain Silent>
"Is that supposed to scare me?"
<Remain Silent>
"I'm not scared. At all."
<Remain Silent>
"All right, that's... that's enough. You can go now."
<Remain Silent>
"Please, I didn't know! I would never insult the Dark Brotherhood. I spoke out of turn!"
<Remain Silent>
"Hail Sithis? No? Forget I said anything."
Hail Sithis.
[Lie] Hail Sithis.

Both of these options end the conversation.

I'm just messing with you.
"Not. Funny."
<Remain Silent>
"Go away!"


  • If you help her, she will tell you that she is originally from Abah's Landing. This is significant because Orsinium was released prior to the Thieves Guild, so her dialogue hinted at future content.
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