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Online:Zolgar the Brutal

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Zolgar the Brutal
Location Elven Gardens District
Race Xivkyn Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Zolgar the Brutal, dead

Zolgar the Brutal is a Xivkyn who has taken residence in the former counting house in the Elven Gardens District of the Imperial City. Captain Regilus reports to him during the related quest.

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Quest-Related EventsEdit

You can spy on Zolgar's and Regilus' meeting through the grate in the ceiling:

Zolgar the Brutal: "What is the meaning of this interruption, wretch? My watch is more important than your inane reports!"
Captain Regilus: "Apologies, exalted one. This report is urgent. I have reason to suspect that there may be a spy in the ranks of Legion Zero. One who plots the downfall of the Legion and its masters."
Zolgar the Brutal: "A spy? I am charged with the protection of a great prize. I have no interest in petty mortal schemes, you half-witted cretin!"
Captain Regilus: "As you say, exalted one. I merely thought it would be to your benefit to learn of this first. If you prefer, I can take the news to one of my other masters though—it would pain me to see them take the glory in your stead."
Zolgar the Brutal: "Glory you say? My lord Molag Bal does have a special distaste for traitors. Hold a moment, Captain—perhaps I can spare time for this so-called plot. Tell me about this spy. I will see you duly rewarded for your loyalty."
Captain Regilus: "I dare not say it out loud, my lord—ears are everywhere, you know. Anyone could be listening."
Zolgar the Brutal: "Whisper it to me then. Who is this spy? They must be made to suffer."
Captain Regilus: "The spy's name … is Captain Regilus!"

Captain Regilus will then strike the Xivkyn, killing him.
