Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Last Salute to the Admiral
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This quest will lock you out of certain other quests, including all bounties offered by Lantin Chaskav, and Heritage of the Hadrachs. Additionally, this quest locks out a potential job for Nito Nesba in A Noble Debt.
Quick WalkthroughEdit
- Talk to Herrius Thimistrel about duties and resistance from the Navy.
- Speak to Akaterina Hadrach in Hadrach Manor.
- Ask Tiledorus Cadmerius at Fort Telodrach about resistance from the Navy with...
- ...75+ disposition unless...
- completed Unjust Confinement and struck a deal with Hasi (in which case, you need 90+ disposition).
- Report back to Herrius.
- Talk to Acylan Ulius aboard the TEM Kintyra's Shield and say you're ready.
- Return to the TEM Kintyra's Shield's cabin between 8pm and midnight, the night after speaking to Acylan.
- Kill Hasi.
- Go to Thimistrel Manor and enter the room where Herrius gave you duties.
- Leave Thimistrel Manor by the front door and talk to Akaterina Hadrach.
Detailed WalkthroughEdit
Herrius' plans advance, but he is mindful of the fate of the last coup attempt - which was foiled with the assistance of the Imperial Navy. He asks that you speak to a Navy officer and ally, Akaterina Hadrach, for her opinion on how best to prevent that from happening again.
Akaterina can be found in Hadrach Manor in the Garden Quarter. Ask her about resistance from the Navy. She'll name Admiral Hasi as the likely focal point of any such obstruction, but for caution's sake, will ask that you speak to the Navarch, Tiledorus Cadmerius, to ensure that there is no great support for Queen Millona elsewhere among the Navy.
The Navarch is in Fort Telodrach on Anvil's east side. How easy he is to deal with depends on whether or not you have completed another quest, Unjust Confinement, by going behind his back and getting Admiral Hasi to countermand his orders. If you have, then to convince him to tell you anything, you'll need to raise his disposition to 90+. If you didn't, or haven't done the quest, his disposition needs to be 75+.
Tiledorus will confess to having no plans to intervene in the event of a coup - he's not that attached to the current queen, and is "tired of this whole charade". He confirms that Admiral Hasi would act though. It's enough to intel to report back to Herrius with, so do.
The Troublesome AdmiralEdit
Herrius is unsurprised by the predictions of Hasi's interference, and decides that the admiral must be killed before the coup begins. He asks that you return to Fort Telodrach and speak to an ally of his within the Vampyrum Order named Acylan Ulius. This individual is the captain of the TEM Kintyra's Shield, and can be found in the ship's cabin. Speak to him about the resistance from the Navy topic. He'll quickly think of a plan, and will invite the admiral to a meeting. He'll ask you to confirm that you're ready. Saying you are means that the meeting will occur the next day at 8pm.
This is actually a time that you need to pay attention to - arrive after midnight, and you will face Hasi alone, with Acylan having already been slain by him.
On the night after speaking to Acylan, enter the cabin between 8pm-12am and Hasi will greet you. He's aware of the coup plot, and relishes the chance to kill two traitors (this includes you). You'll be expelled from the Kingdom of Anvil in this moment, and Hasi will attack. Kill him.
If he survives, Acylan will tell you to go to Thimistrel Manor immediately, and suggests you go by the sewers. This is sound advice - every city guard that spots you in Anvil will attack you, although swimming the bay will bypass most of them too.
Once in Thimistrel Manor, you'll find Herrius' people dead, but no sign of Herrius. There are more than a few guards though. Enter the room in which Herrius could previously be found and you will see Lantin Chaskav and his support. They'll attack. Technically, you don't need to kill them - you just need to leave the manor now by the front door. Akaterina Hadrach will be waiting. Also named as a traitor, she has come to the manor to seek Herrius' help, but your news of his disappearance will shake her. She'll request that you help her take the throne instead, taking advantage of Admiral Hasi being out of the way and of the chaos of the night to storm Queen Millona's court and force her abdication. Agree, and you'll need to ask her for duties to begin that final push - the Battle for Goldstone.
Quest StagesEdit
The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal
console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.
Last Salute to the Admiral (PC_m1_K1_HT4) | ||
Index | Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
10 | Herrius Thimistrel told me that before the coup can begin, there must be no resistance from the Navy. He sent me to speak with Akaterina Hadrach, one of his co-conspirators and a Navy veteran who may have some advice on the situation. She lives in Hadrach Manor, in the Garden Quarter near the Bazaar of the Abecean. | |
20 | Akaterina Hadrach told me that her major concern with resistance from the Navy would be Admiral Hasi, as his intervention was what brought down the previous coup led by her father and Olen Benirus. She sent me to Fort Telodrach to speak with the Navarch, Tiledorus Cadmerius, and see if the Navy plans to support Queen Millona. | |
30 | Tiledorus Cadmerius admitted that he had no plans to intervene in Herrius Thimistrel's coup attempt, but said that Admiral Hasi would likely still act to protect the Queen. | |
40 | After I told him that the Navarch did not plan to intervene in the coup attempt, Herrius Thimistrel said that since Admiral Hasi cannot be controlled by his superiors, it would be best to have him killed. He directed me to Acylan Ulius, a Navy captain aboard the TEM Kintyra's Shield and his Vampyrum Order contact at Fort Telodrach. According to him, Acylan will have a plan to get rid of the Admiral. | |
50 | Acylan Ulius agreed to set up a meeting with Admiral Hasi at eight in the evening tomorrow so that the two of us can ambush and kill him. | |
60 | Admiral Hasi came in to meet with Acylan Ulius in the cabin of the TEM Kintyra's Shield. He was not surprised to see that I was there and called me a traitor to the Queen, to be arrested along with Herrius Thimistrel. He then attacked me. | |
61 | Acylan Ulius was concerned that I had already killed Admiral Hasi and suspected that doing so in public might inspire Queen Millona to an act of revenge. He instructed me to return to Thimistrel Manor at once. | |
70 | A group of Anvil guards confronted me in Thimistrel Manor and attacked me. Herrius Thimistrel was nowhere to be found. | |
100 | I met Akaterina Hadrach outside Thimistrel Manor. She was very alarmed to hear about the disappearance of Herrius Thimistrel, and explained that the Queen has named her, me, and anyone else who assisted in the coup attempt a traitor to be captured or killed. However, while she acknowledged that these were major setbacks, she told me that the coup might still succeed if I were to help her accede the throne instead. | |
110 | Herrius Thimistrel was very angry to hear that Tiledorus Cadmerius was dead. He dismissed me and said that he would offer me no further duties. | |
120 | Herrius Thimistrel was furious to hear of Acylan Ulius' death. He swore vengeance upon me for my actions and then attacked me. | |
130 | Herrius Thimistrel was furious to hear of Akaterina Hadrach's death. He swore vengeance upon me for my actions and then attacked me. | |
140 | With Akaterina Hadrach dead and Herrius Thimistrel missing, their coup attempt seems unlikely to succeed. | |
150 | Herrius Thimistrel was furious to hear of Queen Millona's death, as it meant that he could no longer become King legitimately. He swore vengeance upon me for my actions and then attacked me. |