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Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Mischarstette

< Mod / Morrowind: Project Tamriel: Project Cyrodiil: Places: First Era Ruins
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First Era Ruin:
Added by Project Cyrodiil
# of Zones 5
Divine Intervention Brina Cross
Herrius Thimistrel's troops, Undead
Important Treasure
Maormer Scale Greaves
Console Location Code(s)
"Mischarstette"; "Mischarstette, Keep of the Shore-Kings"; "Mischarstette, Quarantine"; "Mischarstette, Royal Chambers"; "Mischarstette, Southeast Tower"; "Mischarstette, Tomb of the Shore-Kings"
Strident Coast, [-126,-45]

Mischarstette is the dilapidated capital of the Shore-King dynasty.

It stands on an island just off the coast, west of Garlas Malatar. The occupants are initially friendly, but may turn hostile should you side with Queen Millona Conomorus in the Kingdom of Anvil questline. If this is so then you will need to fight your way through the keep to slay the coup's chief conspirator, Herrius Thimistrel.

While not needed to be cleared as part of the quest, the Tomb of the Shore-Kings is worth a look - for in the western room here you will find multiple ingots of precious metal and Maormer Scale Greaves.

Related QuestsEdit

Kingdom of AnvilEdit

  • Prevent the Coup: The conspirators muster their forces - ride out and meet them.


Name   Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Adrianus Colchav   Imperial Enforcer Kingdom of Anvil Retainer(Retainer) 18 121 118 100 30 Royal Chambers During Prevent the Coup
Akaterina Hadrach   Imperial Knight West Navy Commander(Commander) 22 253 126 80 30 Royal Chambers During Prevent the Coup
Altin Uptus   Imperial Master-at-Arms 16 180 104 90 30 Quarantine
Belus Kelius   Imperial Nightblade 12 82 144 90 30 Quarantine
Derelle Banoche   Breton Monk 13 92 172 90 30 Outside
Dorel Aquinia   Imperial Rogue 13 118 100 90 30 Quarantine
During Skull-Singer   Nord Barbarian 15 150 82 90 30 Keep of the Shore-Kings
Herrius Thimistrel   Imperial Noble Kingdom of Anvil Intendant(Intendant) 51 335 144 90 30 Royal Chambers During Prevent the Coup
Jonav Hecan   Imperial Mage 14 89 226 90 30 Keep of the Shore-Kings
Jortund the Mouse   Nord Archer 10 113 74 90 30 Quarantine
Kaharri   Khajiit Knight 10 105 100 90 30 Quarantine
Laeia Raurus   Imperial Master-at-Arms 15 172 102 90 30 Keep of the Shore-Kings
Lavus Siralius   Imperial Noble Cyrodiil Imperial Legion Knight of ___(Knight of ___) 15 123 124 100 30 Royal Chambers During Prevent the Coup
Luna   Redguard Spellsword 14 123 96 90 30 Keep of the Shore-Kings
Monan   Redguard Warrior 14 171 80 90 30 Quarantine
Mulbuk gra-Danog   Orc Barbarian 12 132 98 90 30 Quarantine
Multus Puruseius   Imperial Sharpshooter 11 103 138 90 30 Keep of the Shore-Kings
Polonius Victrus   Imperial Noble Kingdom of Anvil Porter(Porter) 19 147 138 100 30 Royal Chambers During Prevent the Coup
Pultan Altrel   Imperial Warrior 14 161 100 90 30 Quarantine
Quisus Tunius   Imperial Warrior 11 136 96 90 30 Keep of the Shore-Kings
Risa Wide-Arm   Nord Enforcer 18 126 98 100 30 Royal Chambers During Prevent the Coup
Skolgar   Nord Warrior 16 189 84 100 30 Quarantine During Prevent the Coup
Svalir   Nord Warrior 14 171 80 90 30 Keep of the Shore-Kings
Tulia Lanus   Imperial Warrior 11 136 96 90 30 Outside
Varia Vestita   Imperial Knight 12 125 104 90 30 Quarantine