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Bjorlan (Sky_qRe_KW06_Bjorlan)
Added by Skyrim: Home of the Nords
Home City Karthwasten
Location Outside
Race Nord Gender Male
Level 10 Class Pauper
Other Information
Health 95 Magicka 74

Bjorlan is a Nord pauper who can be found in Karthwasten. In A Beggar in Need, we need to reunite him with his friend, Halvir.

Related QuestsEdit


  • Voice:

Quest-Related DialogueEdit

get in contact with Halvir

"Yes, this is what happened. Just yesterday, I saw an old friend of mine enter the city. I really wanted to talk to him, but I was too embarrassed to approach him. I wasn't sure he would even recognize me in my current state. I wasn't always a beggar you know. But now, I regret not talking to him."
"He must be staying at a tavern somewhere in the city, but they don't let beggars like me in. Would you find him and convince him to meet me here, so we can talk? You can tell him I sent you."

Choice 1:

"There are three taverns in town -- the Droopy Mare, Dancing Saber, and Ruby Drake. Someone must have seen him at one of them."
"Have you found him yet?"
"Thanks again for reuniting me with Halvir."

Choice 2:

"Are you able to help me find him now?"

Choice 3:

"[Bjorlan sighs] Thanks for the gold."