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Project Tamriel:Skyrim/Taliesinn

< Mod / Morrowind: Project Tamriel: Skyrim: Home of the Nords: Factions
Sun Cult:
Misc. Locations:

Moon Cult:

Misc. Locations:
Favored Skills:
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Friends & Foes:
Aundae Clan -2
Berne Clan -2
Quarra Clan -2
Abecean Trading Company -3
Baluath Clan -3
Khulari Clan -3
Orlukh Clan -3
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Skyrim: Home of the Nords

"We are the Taliesinn. Fleet of foot and steadfast in piety, though the winds of the world may blow. The Taliesinn once ruled all the northern mesas, but in these latter days we live only here, on sacred Darvacriag."Vesmorah

The Taliesinn are a tribe of Reachmen found on the Darvacriag Mesa in the Druadach Highlands region of Skyrim. They are currently divided in two opposing groups: the Sun Cult of Merduibh who worship their Sun Mother and the Moon Cult of Bailcnoss who instead venerate their White Moon. There is currently an uneasy peace between the two cults, though the recent death of the Sun Cult matriarch's apprentice threatens to disrupt this state of affairs.

Joining the TaliesinnEdit

It is possible to join the Taliesinn as a campfriend after completing Murder in Merduibh. You can later rise to companion after completing A Promise Kept; this is the highest rank you can achieve in the faction.

Taliesinn RanksEdit

Rank Required Attributes Required Skills
0. Campfriend Endurance 30 Willpower 30
1. Companion Endurance 30 Willpower 30 One skill at 10
2. Gatherer Endurance 30 Willpower 30 One skill at 20
3. Runner Endurance 30 Willpower 30 One skill at 30 and two at 5
4. Campraiser Endurance 30 Willpower 30 One skill at 40 and two at 10
5. Pathfinder Endurance 31 Willpower 31 One skill at 50 and two at 15
6. Defender Endurance 32 Willpower 32 One skill at 60 and two at 20
7. Kin Sister Endurance 33 Willpower 33 One skill at 70 and two at 25
8. Kin Daughter Endurance 34 Willpower 34 One skill at 80 and two at 30
9. Matriarch Endurance 35 Willpower 35 One skill at 90 and two at 35

Taliesinn QuestsEdit

Taliesinn MembersEdit

Character Name   Race Class Ranking Location Comments
Karra   Redguard Commoner 0 Campfriend Bailcnoss, Seonach's Hut
Crosain   Reachman Pauper 1 Companion Merduibh
Caebhir   Reachman Commoner 2 Gatherer Bailcnoss, Caebhir's Hut
Hwanin   Reachman Commoner 2 Gatherer Merduibh, Hwanin's Hut
Meirpha   Reachman Commoner 2 Gatherer Merduibh, Rhuma's Tradehouse
Seonach   Reachman Commoner 2 Gatherer Bailcnoss, Seonach's Hut
Delpha   Reachman Commoner 2 Gatherer Merduibh, Delpha's Hut
Uildean   Reachman Commoner 2 Gatherer Merduibh
Berdac   Reachman Herder 3 Runner Merduibh, Berdac's Hut
Greogi   Reachman Commoner 3 Runner Bailcnoss
Olathar   Reachman Hunter 3 Runner Bailcnoss
Paedrach   Reachman Trader 4 Campraiser Bailcnoss, Communal Hut Offers trader services
Meirach   Reachman Hunter 4 Campraiser Merduibh, Meirach Hut
Rhuma   Reachman Trader 4 Campraiser Merduibh, Rhuma's Tradehouse Offers trader and tavern services
Dheorsa   Reachman Hunter 5 Pathfinder Bailcnoss, Dheorsa's Hut
Corvach   Reachman Sharpshooter 5 Pathfinder Merduibh, Rhuma's Tradehouse
Osberith   Reachman Scout 5 Pathfinder Merduibh, Rhuma's Tradehouse Offers training
Eoghran   Reachman Rogue 5 Pathfinder Bailcnoss, Communal Hut
Salgaic   Reachman Barbarian 5 Pathfinder Bailcnoss, Communal Hut
Shamrig   Reachman Scout 5 Pathfinder Merduibh Offers training
Dirrech   Reachman Warrior 6 Defender Merduibh, Communal Hut
Aifu   Reachman Spellsword 6 Defender Alrasaide
Brun   Reachman Warlock 6 Defender Alrasaide
Poch   Reachman Spellsword 6 Defender Alrasaide
Fhegain   Reachman Warrior 6 Defender Bailcnoss
Unothach   Reachman Warrior 6 Defender Bailcnoss
Rathain   Reachman Warrior 6 Defender Merduibh
Tearlach   Reachman Warrior 6 Defender Merduibh
Runeva   Reachman Healer 7 Kin Sister Merduibh, Communal Hut Offers alchemist and spell merchant services
Nulnea   Reachman Shaman 7 Kin Sister Merduibh
Aomala   Reachman Witch 9 Matriarch Bailcnoss, Communal Hut
Vesmorah   Reachman Witch 9 Matriarch Merduibh, Communal Hut
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