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Project Tamriel:Skyrim/Transport

< Mod / Morrowind: Project Tamriel: Skyrim: Home of the Nords: Services

This page is a complete list of all transport in Project Tamriel: Skyrim



Guild GuideEdit

Archmage Circle Location Guild Guide Destinations
Arch-Mage of Falkreath Karthwasten, Guild of Mages Irgas Dragonstar[nb1]
Arch-Mage of Elinhir Dragonstar, Guild of Mages Marcurio Ampis Karthwasten[nb1]


  • ^1These options are only available after completing Turbulent Teleporting. These are also the only guild guide travel options in all of Project Tamriel and Tamriel Rebuilt that allow transit between the territories of separate archmages, but which aren't gated behind a rank in the Mages Guild.

Intervention SpellsEdit

Divine InterventionEdit

There are several Imperial Cult altars you can teleport to using Divine Intervention. These are:

Kyne's InterventionEdit

In the current release, there is only one Kyne Shrine you can teleport to using Kyne's Intervention. It is:


  • Currently, only MWSE users may take advantage of this method of transport[verification needed].

Almsivi InterventionEdit

Since there are no Tribunal temples in Skyrim, casting Almsivi Intervention here will send you to the nearest temple in Morrowind. Usually this will be the temple in Gnisis. This makes Almsivi Intervention by far the fastest and cheapest way to return to Vvardenfell.
