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Project Tamriel:Skyrim/Vorngyd's Stand

< Mod / Morrowind: Project Tamriel: Skyrim: Home of the Nords: Places: Cities & Towns / Forts
Vorngyd's Stand
Added by: Skyrim:Home of the Nords
Alignment: Kingdom of the Reach
Region: Lorchwuir Heath

Almsivi Intervention:

Divine Intervention:

Vorngyd's Stand
"Aye, this is Vorngyd's Stand, named for the late King Vorngyd. We guard the border, fending off Crown raiders and their ilk."Orodir

Vorngyd's Stand is a small fort located within the Duimachrad Canyon, along the Skyrim-Hammerfell border. The majority of its inhabitants are soldiers and guards from the Kingdom of the Reach, though a civilian merchant can be found in the front area of the fort's barracks. As its inhabitants will tell you, the main purpose of the fort is to protect the newly claimed – or re-claimed, as many Nords will assert – lands of the Kingdom of the Reach from attacks by Redguard Crown raiders or members of the Sogat Dur-Gada.


Name   Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Orodir   Nord Barbarian Kingdom of the Reach Footman(Footman) 8 108 72 90 30 Barracks
Rogrid   Nord Warrior Kingdom of the Reach Hirdsman(Hirdsman) 18 202 88 95 30 Barracks
Sorri   Nord Trader Service 8 91 82 90 30 Barracks
Fyrse   Nord Rogue Kingdom of the Reach Footman(Footman) 8 90 72 90 30 Outside
Sigruf   Nord Knight Kingdom of the Reach Watchman(Watchman) 10 120 80 90 30 Outside

Getting There and AroundEdit

The easiest and safest way to reach Vorngyd's Stand is to exit Karthwasten through its southern gates, then follow the road west to the fort.

Places of Interest around Vorngyd's StandEdit

An inaccessible Dwemer ruin lies a short distance southwest of the fort; it is currently being used as a camp site by goblins. To the east lies the city of Karthwasten and the Gilded-Shield Manor a bit further beyond. To the southeast, past the Samlach Cnoss Mesa, lies Ruari. Characters with access to levitation can levitate up to the top of Briag Cnoss Mesa, where they can find the ruins of Saern, the Reachman villages of Criaglorc and Haimtir, and the Direnni Ruins of Mirilstern to the northwest.

Related QuestsEdit


Barracks service area
Barracks living quarters


Map of Vorngyd's Stand
Map of Vorngyd's Stand, Barracks