Shown below are various pieces of concept art created for Redguard. Most, if not all, of the art was drawn by John Pearson.
A portrait of Prince A'tor
Attrebus, a veteran of the Imperial Legion
Basil, the leader of the Restless League
A sketch of the Goblin Caverns, shown in the background of a loading screen
Cyrus in the Goblin Caverns
A sketch similar to the main loading screen, showing Cyrus and other major characters
The city of Stros M'Kai, including a part north of Gerrick's Goods that did not appear in the final game
Cyrus climbing a snowy peak, probably in Skyrim
Cyrus fighting Dram
Dram in the Jail
Cyrus attacking the Dwarven mechanical giant
The Dwarven Mechanical Giant from the Dwarven Ruins
An early sketch of the Mage's Guild
Nafaalilargus guarding the soul gem from Cyrus in the Treasure Vaults
N'Gasta, the necromancer of Stros M'Kai
The ogre in the Goblin Caverns
Amiel Richton, the Provisional Governor of Stros M'Kai since the Imperial occupation
A serpent, not normally seen in the game
S'rathra, a crime boss who provided years of mercenary work for Cyrus
Tobias, an old friend of Cyrus and the captain of their mercenary crew
Vander, second-in-command of the Restless League
Game IntroductionEdit
Excluding the first image, the following are digitalized xerox copies of the original game introduction artwork by Mark Jackson.
Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st EditionEdit
These images can be found in the Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition, which was included with Redguard.
From the section on Skyrim
From the section on Skyrim
From the section on Skyrim
East (Nibenay)
Colovian prince with bodyguard from the Rihad
From the section on Cyrodiil
From the section on High Rock
The Horse-People of the Bjoulsae River, scarcely mentioned in text
Noble of Daggerfall
The Port of Wayrest
From the section on Hammerfell
From the section on the Aldmeri Dominion
Wood Elves of the Wild Hunt, 1e369
From the section on the Aldmeri Dominion
From the section on the Elsweyr Confederacy
From the section on the Elsweyr Confederacy
From the section on the Elsweyr Confederacy
From the section on the Elsweyr Confederacy
Ragman of Tear
Velothi dust merchants leaving G'nisis
From the section on Morrowind
From the section on Morrowind
A Dunmeri slaver of House Dres near the Argonian border
From the section on the Wild Regions