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< Redguard
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The console is an in-game tool in Redguard that gives you access to various commands. Among other things, these allow you to set flags which control the progress of the story, modify attributes of objects, add and remove items, and fast travel to various places. The console can be opened in-game or on the main menu using the F12 key. Use the up and down keys, as well as the page up and page down keys, to view the console's command history.

The most useful commands, which correspond to the actions mentioned above, are setflag, object, item, and load. All commands have a shortcut which can be used in place of the full name, and several require a subcommand to specify a more precise action, such as item add and item drop.

Useful CombinationsEdit

Toggle CollisionEdit

object player
object attr attr_reserved_collide=0 (Disable)
object attr attr_reserved_collide=15 (Enable)

This toggles collision for Cyrus, similar to the command tcl in other games. The main downside is that you can only walk horizontally; there is no way to increase or decrease vertical position without using the command at a different altitude. Also, jumping will freeze you in place until you disable the command.

Lock Object PositionEdit

(Select an object)
object attr attr_stop_x_move=1
object attr attr_stop_z_move=1
object attr attr_stop_y_rotate=1
(Use 0s instead to allow movement again)

This sequence of commands locks an object, usually an NPC or creature, at their current position. If you use the last command, rotation will be disabled as well. Locking the object's position can be useful for taking screenshots; it is not a very effective method of cheating. The best way to find an object to select is through the object closest command.


Command Shortcut Subcommand Notes
commands  ? Shows all of the commands in this table, along with their shortcuts
show sh memory Displays information about memory usage
group <group number>
user <user-group number>
grid [<grid number>all]
marker [flats]
get g
set s
getflag gf
setflag sf
console con clear Clears all text in the console. This will cause any text entered afterward to be invisible, so avoid this command.
write Writes the current console output to a file called CONSOLE.LOG in the main Redguard directory
font No effect
shadow Toggles on and off a shadow effect on console text, though this makes it harder to read. Default is off.
save Saves the current console preferences, in particular color and paper background, to a file called REDGUARD.CPF in the main Redguard directory. They will be used the next time you run the game, unless you delete the file.
col0 (edit color) Cycles through 16 different colors for input text and the console information at the top. Default is 0 (black).
col1 (report color) Cycles through 16 different colors for output text. Default is 13 (green).
col2 (on screen color) Appears to have no effect. Default is 9 (magenta).
col3 (paper color) Cycles through 16 different colors for the console information at the top, if console paper is toggled off. Default is 0 (black).
hex, ?
limit, ?
paper Toggles on and off a high resolution paper background. Default is on.
show Displays information about the console: version, font, shadow, edit color, report color, screen color, paper color, hex lines, paper, clear color, and screen limit
print lpt page
object o select
master <master number to select>
search <ai script to search for> Lists the objects in the current world with an ai script matching <ai script to search for>, or all objects if this parameter is left blank. Each entry shows the object's name if it has one, id, address, and ai script. The number of objects found is reported at the bottom.
general Lists general variable values for the selected object
quick Lists some of the more important variables from object general in a condensed format
coord Same as object quick, but with only the position and angle variables
locals Lists local variable values for the selected object
zap <amount>
<address to select> Selects the object at the specified address
"<name of object>" Selects the object with the given name
player Selects Cyrus as the current object
attr Lists all of the attribute values for the selected object
attr name = value If name is a defined attribute of the selected object, sets the attribute's value to value
goto Moves Cyrus to the selected object
combat Lists combat variables for the selected object, if it is combat capable
closest Selects the object closest to the camera
hex x
recover r
break b Exits the game
load l load MAP NUMBER[, MARKER][, ANGLE]

Loads the map with id MAP NUMBER at the given marker and angle. Map IDs and markers are listed below. An angle of 2048 equals 360 degrees, with 0 facing north and increasing values rotating counter-clockwise. MARKER and ANGLE default to 0 if not specified.

Use the getmapmarker command to travel to markers in the current map without loading screens.

poke p
logplayer pl off
logmonitor ml off
setmarker sm
getmarker gm
setnetmark snm
getnetmark gnm
openputnode op
saveputnode sp
closeputnode cp
rope rp
restart rs video
test t
test2 t2
test3 t3
item i show[, <id>] Displays information about the item with the given ID, or all items if no ID is provided. Most of this data comes from ITEM.INI.
player Displays information for all items in your inventory, in the same format as show
add, <id> Adds the specified item to your inventory. Unfortunately, there is no way to add multiple items at a time.
sub, <id> Removes one instance of the specified item from your inventory
drop, <id>, <amount> Removes the given amount of the specified item from your inventory
getmapmarker gmm getmapmarker[, MARKER]

Same as load but the current map is used, which means no loading screen is necessary. You cannot set the angle with this command.

playerdist pd Calculates the distance between the selected object and the player
cameradist cd Calculates the distance between the selected object and the camera
walk w
render rd on
node n
scene sn
script sc log
disable [<script name>]
fxlightflag lf
fxsavelights sl
fxtexturelist fxl
fxshowtexture fxsh
fxgolight fxgl
fxselect fxsel
fxeditred fxer
fxeditgreen fxeg
fxeditblue fxeb
fxeditradius fxerad
fxsunangle sang
fxsunskew sskew
fxsunscale sscale
fxsunred sred
fxsungreen sgre
fxsunblue sblu
fxsunbrightness sbri
fxsunimgred sired Changes the red color value of the sun
fxsunimggreen sigre Changes the green color value of the sun
fxsunimgblue siblu Changes the blue color value of the sun
fxskyscale skysc
fxskylevel skyl
fxskyspeed skysp Changes the speed of the clouds in the sky
fxfogred fred
fxfoggreen fgre
fxfogblue fblu
fxambientred ared
fxambientgreen agre
fxambientblue ablu
fxwaveamp wamp
fxwavespeed wsp
fxwavefreq wfrq
fxlightmove fxlm
fxincstep fxis
fxmanualx fxmx
fxmanualy fxmy
fxmanualz fxmz
fxscriptname fxsn
pvotreeinfo pvoi
pvoaddpatch pvoa
pvodeletepatch pvod
pvoonoff pvo
pvopatchsave pvos
pvotreeload pvol
delay dl

Map MarkersEdit

All of the map markers in the game are listed below. Use the load command and any map ID and marker combination to quickly travel to various locations. An asterisk (*) indicates that the location is used for a cutscene.

Map (ID) Marker Location
Hunding Bay (0) 0 On Brennan's ship
1 On League ship
Island (1)
Night (27)
Sunset (28)
0 Bell Tower north entrance
1 In the water south of Tobias' boat
2 Goblin Caverns
3 Boatman
4 Dwarven Ruins main entrance
5 Saintsport docks
6 Observatory
7 Dwarven Ruins steam pipes entrance
8 Draggin Tale
9 Temple of Arkay
10 Mage's Guild north entrance
11 Mage's Guild east entrance
12 Cartographer's
13 Smuggler's Den
14 J'ffer's Books west entrance
15 J'ffer's Books north entrance
16 Rollo's house
17 Bell Tower west entrance
18 Silversmith's
19 Krisandra's house
20 Krisandra's storeroom
21 Gerrick's Goods
22 Harbor Tower north lower entrance
23 Harbor Tower north upper entrance
24 Harbor Tower south entrance
25 Boatman position away from shore
26 Yokudan camp
27 Jail tower
28 Jail exit into Old Quarter
29 Crendal's hiding spot
30 Near Rollo's house
31 Well
32 Near Temple of Arkay
33 Town east docks
34 Town west docks
35 Park
36 Between Mage's Guild and Temple of Arkay
37 Near town's shrine of Kynareth
38 Near Avik
39 Lakene's broken wagon
40 Near Cartographer's
41 Near Draggin Tale
42 Trithik's boat
43 Lakene's meeting place
44 Dwarven Ruins exit
45 Catacombs
46 Treasure vaults exit
47 Brennan's ship hull
48 Brennan's ship east side
Catacombs (2) 0 Point F, on the raised area
1 Point A
2 Point V
3 Treasure vaults: room between Point K and Point L
4 Point R, on west platform
5 Treasure vaults: Point M (starts cutscene)
6 Treasure vaults: Point M, exit
7 Treasure vaults: Point J
11* Palace chamber, south
12* Palace chamber, northwest
13* Palace chamber, southwest
14* Palace chamber, west
15* Palace chamber, southeast
16* Near marker 12
17* Palace chamber, ground floor north
18* Palace chamber, ground floor center
19* Palace chamber, ground floor southwest
20* Palace chamber, ground floor east
21* Palace chamber, top of stairs
22* Palace chamber, north
23* Near marker 22
30 Treasure vaults: Point M
31 Near marker 30
Palace (3) 0 Point H, entrance
1 Point H, top of stairs (Richton's position)
2 Point H, top of stairs (Dram's position)
3 Point A
4 Point G, door to tower balcony
5 Point E, west door
6 Point E, central door
7 Point E, east door
8 Point F
9 Point E, ground floor door
Map (ID) Marker Location
Goblin Caverns (4) 0 Point A, hanging from the rope
1 Point L
2 Point M, on the shore closer to Point L
3 Point T
4 Point V
Observatory (5) 0 Entrance
1 Near orrery
2 Close to marker 1
Isle of N'Gasta (6) 0 In the water off the northeast coast
1 Boatman dock
2 Point E
3 Point J, outside the gate
4 N'Gasta's Tower
5 Near Point H
6 Point J, inside the gate
N'Gasta's Tower (7) 0 Entrance
Dwarven Ruins (8) 0 Inside south entrance
1 Point C
2 Point I
3 Point K
4 Point M
5 Point O, west side
6 Point L
7 Point O, south side
Jail (11) 0 Entrance through window
1 A void (do not use)
2 Upper level, in the barracks area
3 Just west of marker 2
4 Upper level, near the cells
5 Just north of marker 4
Temple of Arkay (12) 0 Entrance
2 Between tomb and altar
3 Altar
4 West table
5 East table
Mage's Guild (13) 0 North entrance
1 East entrance
5 Behind counter
6 Just north of marker 5
7 Near the north entrance
11 Book on stand
12 Jaganvir's door
13 Next to table with chairs
Realm of Clavicus Vile (14) 0 Starting position
Draggin Tale (15) 0 Entrance
League hideout (17) 0 In Yaeli's boat as it enters the hideout
1 Docks next to Yaeli's boat
11 Docks near Basil, farther from hideout
12 Covered dock area near Basil
13 Docks near Basil, closer to hideout
14 Small house halfway between Yaeli's boat and Basil
15 By marker 14, outside the house's locked door
16 Platform just above Basil
Silversmith's (18) 0 Entrance
Krisandra's house (19) 0 Main entrance
1 Krisandra's storeroom
Bell Tower (20) 0 North entrance
1 West entrance
Harbor Tower (21) 0 North tower, lower entrance
1 Prnell's room
2 North tower, upper entrance
Gerrick's Goods (22) 0 Entrance
Cartographer's (23) 0 Entrance
Smuggler's Den (24) 0 Entrance
1 Behind Urik
2 Directly in front of Urik
Rollo's house (25) 0 Entrance
J'ffer's Books (26) 0 North entrance
1 West entrance
Brennan's ship (29) 0 Down the stairs from the entrance
Palace exterior (30) 0 Inside secret entrance
1 Palace ground entrance
2 Barracks
3 Balcony near barracks
4 First balcony from marker 3
5 Second balcony from marker 3
6 Third balcony from marker 3
7 Palace tower with lift controls
11* Palace chamber, on stairs
12* Palace chamber, base of stairs
32 Dwemer airship platform
33* Palace chamber, near Richton and Dram


  • The console often runs out of memory after so many commands, causing the game to freeze. ?