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< Redguard: NPCs(Redirected from Redguard:N'falilaargas)
(lore page)
Location Treasure Vaults
Race Dragon
Gender Male
Health Health 40
Damage Damage 20
Faction(s) Empire
Nafaalilargus guarding the soul gem
"I am Tiber Septim's proud soldier, loyal vassal, a jewel of the crown. It's not my fault I have to keep company with the Governor." (listen )

Nafaalilargus is a red dragon serving the Empire as a mercenary. He was instrumental in the defeat of Prince A'tor at the Battle of Stros M'Kai, his greatest feat being the fiery destruction of A'tor's flagship. After the battle, he was rewarded with many dead soldiers to feast upon. The dragon now occupies Richton's Treasure Vaults, which are connected to the Catacombs. Richton has tasked him with guarding not only the treasure in the vault but also the soul gem containing A'tor's soul. He uses a large door north of the Palace to enter and exit.

When you meet Nafaalilargus in the treasury, the door you came in through shuts, and he begins speaking. The dragon is unwilling to give up the soul gem, so Cyrus engages him in combat. Your sabre has no effect until heating it in the brazier nearby. His attacks are quite dangerous and cause 20 damage, but he sometimes has trouble hitting you.

Related QuestsEdit


Conversation with Nafaalilargus
The dragon introduces himself, and tells Cyrus he is not a pet but a proud soldier. Cyrus asks for the soul gem, even offering to bargain, and although Nafaalilargus goes along with the idea, Cyrus realizes it is futile and prepares to fight.

Combat TauntsEdit

Hurt by opponent Hit opponent Miscellaneous Unused Death
"Not bad Redguard!"
"You are crafty. But you are no match!"
"Now you know what it means to face me!"
"Learn the fate of your people!"
"Where are you!"
"Rethinking your plan, Redguard?"



  • His name is spelled Nafalilargus (with one A) in the introduction's narration subtitles. However, his name is spelled with two As in his own dialogue, Nidal's dialogue, and in a comment for his dialogue flag in SOUP386.DEF. It is also spelled as N'falilaargas in The Redguard Companion. All other supplementary materials and subsequent games spell it as Nafaalilargus.
  • Nafaalilargus also appears in ESO, under the Dragon language name Nahfahlaar.