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Shadowkey:Miscellaneous Items

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SK-icon-inventory-ConsumablesMiscellaneous.png Miscellaneous Items is the name given to a wide variety of different types of items.

Daedric ArtifactsEdit

The only Daedric Artifact available in Shadowkey is the Skeleton Key, which is associated with the Daedric Prince Nocturnal.

Name Official Description Notes
Skeleton Key Various locked doors can be bypassed with this Skeleton Key When obtained, you will receive the following message: "Your shadow extends and falls over the corpses of the fallen; you hear popping, grinding. The Skeleton Key appears."
Obtained from Broken Wing II, the Skeleton Key can open any 10 locks before it crumbles.


Shadowkeys are a type of magic key that open Shadow Gates.

There are eleven Shadowkeys in the game, most of which belong to powerful enemies who must be killed to obtain them.

Name Official Description Notes
Delfran's Shadowkey Delfran's Shadowkey Found on Delfran's throne after killing its owner during the Rescue Prisoners quest.
Spider's Shadowkey Spider's Shadowkey Found at the north end of Earthtear Caverns in a chest behind the Diamond Spider Queen.
Twilight Shadowkey Twilight Shadowkey Carried by Pergan Asuul, who can be found in a room to the south of Twilight Temple.
Goblin's Shadowkey Goblin's Shadowkey Carried by Tirasch in Fearfrost Caverns.
Eglar's Shadowkey (?) Held by Eglar Thundren in Raider's Nest
Tanyin's Shadowkey (?) Handed over by Tanyin Aldwyr as a reward for the quest Tanyin Mages' Guild.
Porliss' Shadowkey (?) Handed over by Porliss Caith as a reward for the quest Porliss Thieves' Guild.
Duvais' Shadowkey (?) Held by General Duvais in Loth' Na Caverns.
Lakvan's Shadowkey Lakvan's Shadowkey Found on Lakvan's corpse after his death in Lakvan's Stronghold.
Perosius' Shadowkey Perosius' Shadowkey Found on Perosius' body in Broken Wing II.
Chieftain's Shadowkey (?) Found in a chest in the northwest of Glacier Crawl.

Other ItemsEdit

Name Official Description Notes
Cameo Rene's Mother's Cameo Found in Ghast's Pass.
Cell Key This key opens the prison cell doors in Delfran's. Given to you by the Chef.
Key A A brass key with an engraved letter A. Dropped by Lieutenant Breser.
Key B A brass key with an engraved letter B. Dropped by Lieutenant Jolias.
Skyrim Map A Skyrim map containing military plans. Found in a chest in Earthtear Caverns.
