References to events in the history of The Elder Scrolls are documented separately to Easter Eggs.
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- For those who remember Sheogorath's Quest in Morrowind, Big Head has somehow found his way to the Shivering Isles. Once again, he's misplaced the Fork of Horripilation. At least this time, you don't have to kill a netch to get the reward. If you choose to learn a secret of blade, though, he mentions killing grandfather netch.
- The Cursed Red Mountain Shield is likely a Morrowind reference.
- In the construction set, there is a ring with an id of Fargoth's Ring. In-game, this ring shows up as heirloom ring. Fargoth's ring was part of an early quest in Morrowind.
- The smith's store in Bliss is called "The Missing Pauldron," which is a reference to the fact that the armor type called the pauldron that was combined with the cuirass in Oblivion instead of being its own armor like in previous games. This is additionally referenced in random Imperial dialogue: "All I needed was that right pauldron, and my set would have been complete."
- These were also likely referencing the fact a full set of Daedric armor could not be found (without killing an NPC) in Morrowind's base game. The "missing" Daedric right pauldron was added with the Bloodmoon expansion.
- The leader of the Golden Saints at Brellach is Staada. You might remember her from the Azura Shrine quest in Morrowind. She was one of the Daedra Sheogorath sent to disturb Azura's priestess in the Sheogorad region.
- Din's Ashes can be found in-game. Din was an insane male Redguard from Morrowind.
- In certain leveled loot you may find a set of enchanted fur gauntlets named Gauntlets of the Horker, that have a resist frost enchantment. The name and enchantment of the gauntlets is a reference to the horkers from Bloodmoon.