Shivering talk:Mirili Ulven
Very Easy to DieEdit
Its very easy for her to get killed because she wanders out in the wilderness every day... This may warrent a note.--Arch-Mage Matt 22:57, 17 November 2009 (UTC)
- I don't think she goes too far from the settlement to encounter a creature. Besides, the closest enemy she can find are the heretics on the camp nearby (and it's at a pretty long distance).--S'drassa 00:11, 18 November 2009 (UTC)
No schedule on Mirili Ulven?Edit
Most NPCs have noted schedules which detail exactly what they're scripted to do each day at certain times. Now it's high past 8am and she won't even leave her house while I have this Elytra Matron out here; and I'm desperately trying to heal Runs-In-Circles as she fights valiantly (but idiotically) with her fists.
What's the deal with Mirili? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 11:22 on 26 May 2010
- We just haven't written her schedule yet - but she can be hard to find because she drifts around so much. Wait until nighttime and see if you can catch her when she wakes up. --Krusty 11:47, 26 May 2010 (UTC)
- Actually, she seems completely stuck in her house after she invites me in to pay me. She doesn't move an inch. This I've managed to fix by making sure she has a high disposition towards me late at night when everyone else is inside; then I punch her once in the face and leave her house. She soon follows, and I have to yield to her outside before bringing her disposition back up a little. I also use a "custom heal other" spell much like Convalescence because I'm most likely going to have to use this 'punch and yield' method again. This explanation is for anyone else having this glitch. Just make sure that you don't get impatient and try it during the daytime. She will slaughter the other two residents.
Amount of GoldEdit
It looks in the CS like Mirili uses objects of a certain value at different times. I'm not sure what this was intended to do, but I suspect she probably picks up gold as part of that, thus causing her small initial amount of gold to increase with play time. This could use confirmation if anyone has the time.[verification needed — see talk page] – Robin Hood↝talk 06:10, 7 February 2012 (UTC)
Location Bug?Edit
I know that she can wander a ways from her settlement, but I just met her at the door to The Heartlands!!! I wonder if she'll be able to walk herself all the way back home... — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:54 on 4 March 2012