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Skyrim:Gauldur Blackblade

< Skyrim: Items: Leveled Items
Leveled Item: Gauldur Blackblade (000f5d1d)
(All statistics are for level 36+ version)
Type One-handed Sword
Editor ID dunFolgunthurMikrulSword06
Damage Damage 11
Damage Damage 11 {{{health}}}
Speed 1
Speed 1 Reach 1
Weight Weight 15 Value Value 1286
Quality Tempering Steel Ingot
Quality Tempering Steel Ingot Perk Dwarven Smithing
Absorb 25 points of health:
Charge/Cost = Uses 3000/109=27
The Gauldur Blackblade

The Gauldur Blackblade is a special ancient Nord sword found at Folgunthur in the possession of Mikrul Gauldurson. The weapon's enchantment absorbs health from whoever is slashed by it over one second. Tempering the Gauldur Blackblade requires one steel ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith perk. As is customary for honed draugr weapons, the benefits of tempering are doubled if you have acquired the Dwarven Smithing perk.

Related QuestsEdit

Leveled StatisticsEdit

Level       Charge/Cost = Uses Enchantment Object ID Editor ID
1-11 12 234 8 500/18=27 Absorb 5 points of health: 000ab702 dunFolgunthurMikrulSword02
12-18 12 465 8 1000/40=25 Absorb 10 points of health: 000f5d1a dunFolgunthurMikrulSword03
19-26 15 669 11 1000/62=16 Absorb 15 points of health: 000f5d1b dunFolgunthurMikrulSword04
27-35 15 975 11 2000/85=23 Absorb 20 points of health: 000f5d1c dunFolgunthurMikrulSword05
36+ 15 1286 11 3000/109=27 Absorb 25 points of health: 000f5d1d dunFolgunthurMikrulSword06


  • It is possible to obtain two Gauldur Blackblades, one from Mikrul in Folgunthur, and one from his spirit form in Reachwater Rock. To obtain the latter, the fallen spirit Mikrul has to be looted before he teleports back to his brothers.


  • It appears from testing that the level of the Blackblade is set either when you read the book to gain the quest or when you get near enough to the dungeon that the entrance "spawns". This doesn't mean actually finding the entrance, just getting close enough that the game loads the dungeon entrance cell. If you want a high level item not only do you have to avoid reading the book but also avoid the geographic areas of the dungeons themselves. ? [verification needed — see talk page]